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In 1927, Jack Harkness claimed that it had been seven hundred years since his last confession. (TV: Immortal Sins)

The Church of the Papal Mainframe employed Silents as confessional priests. The Silents were genetically engineered so that the confessor would forget everything they told them after turning away. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

Confession dials were items traditionally used on Gallifrey by dying Time Lords to add gravitas to their final days by spending them facing their personal demons and releasing themselves of their secrets. (PROSE: A Brief History of Time Lords) The Twelfth Doctor was trapped inside his confession dial by Rassilon even though he was in perfect health, because Rassilon wished to extract the secret of the Hybrid out of him. Upon realising what his interrogator (the Veil) wanted, the Doctor defined confessions as "truths he'd never told before". (TV: Heaven Sent)

The Pope offered to hear the Twelfth Doctor's confession but the latter refused, claiming he would take too long to confess everything. (TV: Extremis)

In 2065, using a truth drug, Penelope Creighton-Ward and Parker got a confession out of Count Lugosti about his murder of the 610th Kaplan. However, as Parker mournfully remarked, the World Court did not accept truth-drug confessions as valid evidence. (COMIC: On the Trail of the Kaplan's Killer...)
