A colony was an area settled by individuals from a different area on a planet, or from another planet.
Colonies on Earth[]
The West Indies were colonies of the British Empire by 1746, during the reign of King George II. That year, the English solicitor Grey led a scheme to transplant Scots there under the false impression that they would be able to work off their passage after seven years of labour. In fact, the Scots were really being made slaves to work plantations there. Had the Second Doctor not intervened, Jamie McCrimmon and Ben Jackson would have both ended up in the West Indies as slaves. (TV: The Highlanders)
The British Empire claimed Australia and used it as a prison colony where they shipped convicts. The idea was recommended to the British government by Joseph Banks after he was confronted by Ian Chesterton who accidentally gave Banks the idea. (AUDIO: The Transit of Venus)
While visiting Villa Diodati in 1816, the Thirteenth Doctor stated that she and her companions were from the colonies. When Ryan Sinclair played "Chopsticks" on the piano, Mary Shelley asked him if the tune was popular there. However, upon witnessing the Doctor investigate an alien phenomenon, Shelley said to Lord Byron that she didn't believe the group were actually from the colonies. Byron agreed, believing that the Doctor was from somewhere "much, much stranger". (TV: The Haunting of Villa Diodati)
India was a British colony from the 18th century until it gained independence in 1947. (PROSE: All-Consuming Fire, Ghosts of India)
Colonies beyond Earth[]
When humans began to explore space, they started colonies in the Solar system first. Several were on Earth's moon, (TV: Mission to the Unknown) Mars, (TV: The Daleks' Master Plan, The Waters of Mars, PROSE: GodEngine) Jupiter, (AUDIO: The Jupiter Conjunction) the Saturnian moons Mnemosyne, Titan and Japetus, (PROSE: The Wheel of Ice, Legacy) and Charon, a moon of Pluto. (PROSE: GodEngine) Prior to the 41st century, a pioneer settlement existed on Neptune. Sometime after the Time Destructor Incident, Merrick Kingdom was overseeing the construction of a new colony on the planet. (AUDIO: The House of Kingdom)
In 2050, Inspector Thorne of the Department intended to use the planet Urlic, contained within an Ukkan library card, as a prison colony. However, the library card was ultimately retrieved by the Ukkan librarian Yssaringintinka. (TV: Lost Library of Ukko)
The first planet colonised beyond the Sol system was Proxima 2. (PROSE: The Face-Eater)
The planet Vulcan was colonised years before the Dalek invasion of Earth in the mid-22nd century, (PROSE: The Power of the Daleks) so that by 2136, Terri Willis told Ben Jackson Vulcan was "practically a legend". (PROSE: The Murder Game) It was Earth's third ever colony, after humans discovered the mineral riches of the planet. The planet was owned and the mining operations were funded by the Interplanetary Mining Corporation. (PROSE: The Power of the Daleks)
Located 20 light-years from Earth, another of the first colonies was established on a planet by the United Earth Colonisation Team spaceship Erehwon. (TV: Smile)
Eventually, humans established colonies light-years from Earth like They're All Nouns You Idiot, which got its name from bad-tempered and mistranslated natives. It was more commonly known as Noun. (PROSE: Ghost Devices)
In the 25th century, Kano Dollar terraformed Isen VI into a new human colony, intending for it to serve as the ideal location for his wedding only for a dormant Hyperion ship to take control of the terraforming, forcing the humans to abandon the potential colony. (COMIC: Terrorformer)
By 2540, the Earth Empire was colonising "one planet after another", coming into conflict with the Draconian Empire. (TV: Frontier in Space)
In the 40th century, "dying" colonies struggled to pay rising petrol prices for oil. (TV: The Infinite Quest)
Moon colonies were active as late as the year 4000. (TV: Mission to the Unknown)
During humanity's second great push of interstellar colonisation, they modelled planets after earlier stages in Earth's history to recreate the past's ambience, though compromises had to be made when things could be brought in line with historical reality. (PROSE: The Whoniverse) Trenzalore, location of the Siege of Trenzalore, was one such world, modelled to be Level 2 farming planet. (TV: The Time of the Doctor) Another was Britzit-247, a world that venerated the British Empire and had broken off from the larger collection of human colonies based on the colonists' mutual annoyance at "something". (COMIC: Remembrance) In doing this, the humans sometimes shared the planet with the native species. (AUDIO: The Home Guard) The various colonies were all connected to one another by Waystation Terra, an automated broadcast booster. (COMIC: The Singer Not the Song)
Human colonies were active in the year 200,100, when Earth faced a Dalek invasion. (TV: The Parting of the Ways)
Further in the future, they expanded beyond Mutter's Spiral. Humans settled on Metralubit in the Fostrix Galaxy in the fifty-eighth Segment of Time. (PROSE: The Well-Mannered War) The Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler visited New Earth, located in the M87 galaxy, in the year 5,000,000,023, (TV: New Earth) a world settled on due to the fact that it had the same water, diameter, orbit, and atmosphere and terrain as the original Earth. (WC: The Secret of Novice Hame) The Tenth Doctor returned with Martha Jones in 5,000,000,053. (TV: Gridlock)
Under normal circumstances, human colonies were terraformed before the colonists settled there. On the planet Hope Eternal however, the terraforming risked destroying valuable minerals. Rather than take the risk, Claudia Mason genetically engineered the colonists into the Nu-Humans to survive on the planet. (AUDIO: The Nu-Humans)
Gallifreyan colonies[]
The Pythian Gallifrey had a vast space empire, but by the time of the rise of the Time Lords, all these colonies had gained their freedom. (PROSE: A Brief History of Time Lords) However, the early Time Lords launched other colonisations, with their colony worlds including Trakkiney. (PROSE: The Labyrinthine Web) One batch of colonisations was undertaken by early Time Lords who possessed regeneration but rejected access to advanced Gallifreyan technology. With the early regenerative process drawing biodata from their surroundings, they adapted to their new environments and metamorphosed into ever more alien appearances. These colonies were later abandoned with the inhabitants relocated to one world by the Fugitive Doctor. (COMIC: Origins)
Dronid and Karn were also colonies of Gallifrey, (PROSE: Shada, Alien Bodies, Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible) as was Cartago. (PROSE: The Bloodletters)
Other non-human colonies[]
Martians established a colony in the 22nd century. It was attacked by the Selachians and their sun-stoker. (PROSE: The Final Sanction)
By 2540, the Draconian Empire was colonising "one planet after another", coming into conflict with the Earth Empire. (TV: Frontier in Space)
A colony ship inhabited by Mondasians was launched from Mondas. It was one of many places where the Cybermen rose as a result of parallel evolution. (TV: World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls)
In the earliest stage of their history, the Dalek race sought to colonise Skaro. (TV: The Daleks) Prior to the Thal-Dalek battle, it was speculated that they had had some success in accomplishing this, (AUDIO: Return to Skaro) the First Doctor theorising that these colonies were what had allowed the Daleks to survive the fall of the Dalek City. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Dalek Invasion of Earth) After the Daleks had developed space flight, they attempted to colonise Alvega only for the natives to fight back, the Daleks instead destroying the planet. (COMIC: The Amaryll Challenge) During the Last Great Time War, Gallifrey was briefly turned into a Dalek colony by the Enigma. (AUDIO: The Enigma Dimension)
After the Daleks had forced the Thals off Skaro, they withdrew to a series of off-world colonies, (PROSE: Dalek Combat Training Manual) before they settled onto New Davius. (AUDIO: Brotherhood of the Daleks)
The Citizens of Destination were the descendants of the crew of a colony ship who had colonised Destination following their vessel crashing on the planet. (AUDIO: The Destination Wars)
Sarn was originally a mining colony settled by the Trions. (TV: Planet of Fire)
The homeworld of the Spherion was colonised by another species, savagely curtailing their numbers. Seeking a new home, the Spherion began colonising the Calaxi, finding the organics to be perfect incubators for their young. The Calaxi subsequently began colonising new planets whenever the Spherion caught up to them before the Eighth Doctor and Josie Day broke the cycle. (COMIC: Music of the Spherions) The Nixi attempted to colonise Earth only for their colony ship to be rebooted by the humans into a stasis cycle. (COMIC: Briarwood)
The Scabus came from a planet whose atmosphere was once rich in carbon dioxide before a more advanced species colonised the planet and altered the atmosphere to do so, drastically reducing the carbon dioxide present and driving the Scabus and its kind from their home. (AUDIO: Terror of the Master)
The Brancheerians had a colony on Donnahee's Moon. During the Last Great Time War, the Daleks invaded the colony and took many of its populace prisoner, forcing them to serve Dalek interests. (AUDIO: The Uncertain Shore)