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A Coastguard helicopter was a helicopter used by the Coastguard.

Nobby worked as a helicopter pilot with the Coastguard. He used his helicopter to rescue Rhys Williams, Gwen Cooper and Keith, Naomi and Jasmine Samuels from the attic of a house on Lloyd George Avenue in Cardiff during the All-Night Zombie Horror Show. Nobby then used the helicopter to rescue Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones from the roof of the Torchwood SUV and alighted them safely on the roof of St Helen's Hospital.

The underside of the helicopter had a spotlight which shone down at the earth below. It had a bright red nose and tail, and a white body. The underside was painted with white and orange stripes. The words "COASTGUARD RESCUE" were printed in bold black capitals on the fuselage side of the aircraft. (PROSE: Bay of the Dead)
