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Cloaking field

A cloaking field was a device employed to make the user invisible. Several races had access to this technology. Davros noted however that no version of the technology made one truly undetectable, always leaving some trace. (PROSE: Father of the Daleks)

In 1913, the Family of Blood used a cloaking field to hide their ship; it glowed green whenever someone came into contact with it (TV: Human Nature / The Family of Blood)

In 2009, Commander Kaagh of the Tenth Sontaran Battle Fleet used a cloaking field to hide himself and his ship. (TV: The Last Sontaran)

Anubian spacecraft could cloak. (TV: Curse of Anubis)

In 2050, the Korven supersoldier, Trojan, was equipped with a cloak, but was still detectable by K9 Mark 2's olfactory sensors. (TV: The Eclipse of the Korven)

Prior to the Last Great Time War, the Dalek Empire sought to procure a breakthrough in cloaking technology from a rogue group of Krillitanes only for the Eleventh Doctor to cloak the Daleks' own sensors, allowing him to get the Krillitanes to safety. Blamed for this failure, Davros redeemed himself by outfitting one hundred Daleks with perfected cloaking fields to ambush the Doctor but he managed to trigger their casings' self-destruct mechanism. (PROSE: Father of the Daleks)

Following the conflict, a Dalek Fleet used a cloaking field to hide from view of the Game Station. (TV: Bad Wolf/ The Parting of the Ways)

Commander Skarr with the help of an another Sontaran used an invisibility cloak during the Siege of Trenzalore in order not to be detected by the Papal Mainframe. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

The term "cloaking device" was also used synonymously with the TARDIS chameleon circuit. The Eighth Doctor used the term to Grace Holloway. (TV: Doctor Who) Rose Tyler also used the term to Mickey Smith. (TV: Boom Town) The Twelfth Doctor used the term while describing the circuit to Bill Potts, (TV: The Pilot) and she later repeated it. (TV: Smile) The Twelfth Doctor also described the misdirection circuit as a cloaking device. (TV: Face the Raven) In the Unbound Universe, the Master developed a cloaking technology that could render aircraft invisible which the Doctor recognised as a crude imitation of a chameleon circuit built out of Earth technology. (AUDIO: Sympathy for the Devil)
