Polly Browning lived on Claversham Row in Leadworth with her parents, Mr and Mrs Browning. They had moved there when she was seven years old.
In 1984, when Polly was eleven, Mr Browning was looking to sell the house. A mysterious man calling himself Mister Rabbit bought it for several times what it was worth, clearing all of Mr Browning's debts.
Later on, while the family was living at the Rose Hotel on Wednesbury Street, Polly returned to the house on Claversham Row to retrieve her diary, which she had left there. A man in a dog mask killed her.
After being approached by Reg Browning about his missing daughter, the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond paid a visit to the house to look for her. There they met the Kin, who had killed her. (PROSE: Nothing O'Clock)