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The Church Stretton Crier was the local newspaper of Church Stretton. On 11 August 1901, it reported the disappearance of eight people from the village. In reality, they had their breaths stolen by the Night Travellers. (TV: From Out of the Rain)


August 11th 1901[]

Number of Missing Rises to Eight[]

The Crier reported that the number of people missing from the Church Stretton area had risen to eight, following the disappearance of Ciara McKenzie after her parents returned from a family visit to discover the house empty. Many considered that somebody had murdered the eight missing young men and women, possibly a common enemy or foe.

Police investigating the disappearances had failed to trace the missing persons at the time of publication, despite reports that several of those unaccounted for were going to visit a travelling show near Oarney Meadow the previous Wednesday night. Although the reports were unconfirmed, the Crier reported that detectives had launched a full investigation, and were considering the show to be a possible lead. No records could be found of the travelling shows unheralded appearance, disappearance and subsequent whereabouts.

A witness reported seeing eight ghostly figures near Oarney meadow on the Thursday morning, but detectives were unconvinced due to localised fog; this was despite a second claim from a shepherd who saw a number of ghosts near Brook's Pass.

The Crier asked readers with any information on the disappearances to contact Police Detective Chivers at the Church Stretton Police Station. (TV: From Out of the Rain [+]Peter J. Hammond, Torchwood series 2 (BBC Three, 2008).)
