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Chief executive officer

Yvonne Hartman was the Chief Executive Officer of the Torchwood Institute (PROSE: The Time Traveller's Almanac [+]Steve Tribe, BBC Books (2008).) until she was upgraded by the Cybus Cybermen during the Battle of Canary Wharf. (TV: Army of Ghosts [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 2 (BBC One, 2006)./Doomsday [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 2 (BBC One, 2006).)

Kate Stewart noted that, as President of Earth, the Twelfth Doctor was "the chief executive officer of the human race". (TV: Death in Heaven)

Dorothy McShane was the CEO of A Charitable Earth. (AUDIO: In Remembrance, Dark Universe, PROSE: At Childhood's End)

Madison Yorke was the CEO of Genetec Systems. (TV: Prisoner of the Judoon)

By 2008, Fu Manchu's son was the only living CEO of the White Peacock Arms Company. (PROSE: The Beasthouse)

Daniel Barton was the CEO of VOR in the late 2010s and early 2020s. (TV: Spyfall)

Audrey Mohinson was the CEO of the Sphere of Freedom. (AUDIO: Sphere of Freedom)

George Sheldrake was the CEO of Sheldrake Industries on 41st century Earth. (AUDIO: The Wrong Woman)

Edward Van Statten was the CEO of the Van Statten Corporation before he left it to his son Henry who rechristened the company as "Geocomtex". Henry van Statten later acquired an ice cream company out from under CEO Hiram Duchesne in his quest to acquire Duchesne's living alien specimen. (PROSE: Dalek [+]Robert Shearman, adapted from Dalek (Robert Shearman), Target novelisations (Target Books, 2021).)
