The Chancellor of the Exchequer was the title given to the minister in charge of all economic and financial matters in the United Kingdom.
Sir Francis Dashwood was Chancellor of the Exchequer during the reign of King George III. (AUDIO: Minuet in Hell)
David Lloyd George (1863-1945), Liberal MP for Caernarvon, served as Chancellor of the Exchequer amongst other positions before becoming Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Lloyd George was an aggressive campaigner against alcohol, famously declaring that Britain had three enemies: "Germany, Austria and Drink; as far as I can see, the greatest of these three deadly foes is Drink." His attempt, as Chancellor, to ban alcohol entirely led to the introduction of licensing laws to increase taxes on alcohol and to restrict its sale and the opening hours of public houses. In private, however, (PROSE: The Time Traveller's Almanac) he drank the Ninth Doctor under the table. (TV: Aliens of London)
Following the victory of the Labour Party in the general election in October 1964, James Callaghan was appointed Chancellor by Harold Wilson, the new Prime Minister. (AUDIO: State of Emergency) Callaghan later served as Prime Minister himself from 1976 to 1979. (AUDIO: The Oseidon Adventure)
In 2007, the Chancellor of the Exchequer was scheduled to give a speech at Lexington International Bank, but was interrupted by Amy Pond warning the attendants about the Time Harvesters. (PROSE: Borrowed Time)