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Centuria was one of Earth's colony holiday worlds. It had its own police force and was powered to an extent by nuclear energy. It had two suns, a large yellow one and a smaller, orange one which rapidly orbited. A newspaper was published on the planet, called the Centuria Times.


Large portions of the planet were temperate, and had attactive beaches which were popular with holidaymakers. Other areas were less populated, such as Azlon, Centuria's most deserted continent, (COMIC: Drones of Doom) and Centuria's arctic zone, which was home to Ice Snakes. The arctic zone was rich with the precious resource of Hargstones, which could be mined beneath the ice. (COMIC: Enemy Mine)


During the 41st century an interplanetary info-thief stole Cybermen blueprints from the Torchwood Archive and used them to built new Cybermen with the intent of auctioning them off as hi-tech soldiers. The Cybermen took over and threatened the planet, but were shut down by the Tenth Doctor and Jayne Kadett. (COMIC: The Power of the Cybermen / Drones of Doom / Enemy Mine / Time of the Cybermen)
