Catherine Samuel was a production buyer and, later, a props buyer for Doctor Who.
Production buyer[]
- The Age of Steel
- Aliens of London
- Army of Ghosts
- Bad Wolf
- The Christmas Invasion
- Dalek
- The Doctor Dances
- Doomsday
- The Empty Child
- The End of the World
- Father's Day
- Ghost Machine
- Greeks Bearing Gifts
- The Impossible Planet
- The Long Game
- New Earth
- The Parting of the Ways
- Rise of the Cybermen
- Rose
- School Reunion
- The Unquiet Dead
- World War Three
Props buyer[]
- Amy's Choice
- The Beast Below
- Closing Time
- Day of the Moon
- The Doctor's Daughter
- The Family of Blood
- The Fires of Pompeii
- Human Nature
- The Impossible Astronaut
- Last of the Time Lords
- The Lodger
- Midnight
- Partners in Crime
- Random Shoes
- The Shakespeare Code
- Smith and Jones
- The Sound of Drums
- The Vampires of Venice
- Victory of the Daleks
- Vincent and the Doctor