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Planets is a top-level category. It should not contain, via subcategories, information about the culture, society or geography of planets. Rather, it should be strictly about the planets themselves. When not engaged in the Game of Rassilon, individual pages that are in this category are those which cannot be placed into this category's subpages.

For more information on the various planets in this category and how planets are categorised within them see guide to planets categories.

Planets is currently involved in the Game of Rassilon.

Please do not remove individual pages from this category unless there's very good cause. Removing pages from Planets will disrupt game play.

This is a hidden category.

Users cannot see it by default. In order to see it on pages where it has been placed, users must click an option in Special:Preferences.

In general, categories should not be hidden. However, in the case of categories which are created solely for use with advanced coding functions like DPL or SMW, or when they have been created in order to facilitate the Game of Rassilon, it can be useful to hide them.

Please do not remove this message from this page without discussion at the Panopticon.

All items (2554)
