This actually needs to be at Bernice Summerfield stories for the GoR.
Talk about it here.
Bernice Summerfield sources is the highest-level category concerning stories with the character of Bernice Summerfield.
The character of Bernice Summerfield is a complicated one. She started as a companion of the Seventh Doctor in the Virgin New Adventures series and then became the lead character in that novel series after Virgin lost the right to publish stories featuring the Doctor. She then jumped into audio over at Big Finish Productions, where she's their longest-running series. She's also done a fair amount of crossing over into other lines that Big Finish run. And she's been featured in Doctor Who Magazine comic strips and a number of Big Finish-published books. Thus, unlike many other characters, it's not possible just to leave the categorisation at Category:Bernice Summerfield stories. No, something more complex has been arranged here. In order for the categories to remain useful, please try to adhere to this scheme.
- Bernice Summerfield sources. The main category. Everything is underneath this one.
- Bernice Summerfield audio stories. This contains all the audio stories. Since the audios have only been done by Big Finish Productions, this category is the same as saying, "All of Benny's Big Finish appearances."
- Bernice Summerfield audio series. This contains all the releases in Big Finish's main Benny audio series (both single releases and box sets). It is a subset of the above category. All entries in this category will also be listed individually in Category:Bernice Summerfield audio stories. But this category doesn't include things like Benny's appearance in The Company of Friends or other releases that aren't actually a part of the main BFBS line, such as releases from The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield.
- Bernice Summerfield prose sources. This is a meta-category for housing the categories below. No individual pages are stored here.
- Bernice Summerfield short stories. Short stories.
- Bernice Summerfield novels. This has all of the Benny novels, regardless of publisher or whether she's the main character.
- BFBS novels. This has all of the Big Finish Benny novels.
- Bernice Summerfield anthologies. This has all the Big Finish anthologies, but since only Big Finish have published anthologies, there's no need for it to be preceded with "Big Finish".
- BNA novels. This has all of the Virgin Bernice Summerfield New Adventures. It does not include the Virgin New Adventures featuring the Seventh Doctor in which Benny was a companion.
- NA novels with Bernice Summerfield organizes those Virgin New Adventures in which Benny is a companion to the Doctor.
- Bernice Summerfield features. This contains any features starring Benny.
- Bernice Summerfield comic stories. Because Benny's appearances in comics are few, there's no need to distinguish by publisher.
- Bernice Summerfield audio stories. This contains all the audio stories. Since the audios have only been done by Big Finish Productions, this category is the same as saying, "All of Benny's Big Finish appearances."
Note that a secondary hierarchy exists to categorise just the Big Finish output. All of the above BF categories are also organised under Big Finish Bernice Summerfield stories. This category should only be used to organise other categories; individual pages can only be underneath it if they both do not fit any existing subcategory and are not numerous enough for a new subcategory.
Users cannot see it by default. In order to see it on pages where it has been placed, users must click an option in Special:Preferences.
In general, categories should not be hidden. However, in the case of categories which are created solely for use with advanced coding functions like DPL or SMW, or when they have been created in order to facilitate the Game of Rassilon, it can be useful to hide them.
Please do not remove this message from this page without discussion at the Panopticon.
Please do not remove individual pages from this category unless there's very good cause. Removing pages from Bernice Summerfield sources will disrupt game play. When the Bernice Summerfield sources editing track is removed from the Game of Rassilon, this category will return to being a category which only houses other categories. It should not normally have any individual pages within it.
Human Nature (novel) -
All-Consuming Fire (novel) -
Original Sin (novel) -
All-Consuming Fire (audio story) -
Death and Diplomacy (novel) -
Big Bang Generation (novel) -
Lucifer Rising (novel) -
Transit (novel)
All items (413)
- A Visit from Prof. Summerfield (webcast)
- Absence (audio story)
- The Adolescence of Time (audio story)
- Adorable Illusion (novel)
- The Adventure of the Diogenes Damsel (audio story)
- All-Consuming Fire (audio story)
- All-Consuming Fire (novel)
- The Also People (novel)
- Ancient History (audio story)
- Another Girl, Another Planet (novel)
- Asking for a Friend (audio story)
- Bad Habits (audio story)
- Beige Planet Mars (novel)
- Benny's Story (audio story)
- Bernice Summerfield and the Criminal Code (audio story)
- Beyond the Sea (audio story)
- Beyond the Sun (audio story)
- Beyond the Sun (novel)
- Big Bang Generation (novel)
- Big Dig (audio story)
- The Big Hunt (novel)
- Birthright (audio story)
- Birthright (novel)
- Blood Harvest (novel)
- Blood Heat (novel)
- Brand Management (audio story)
- The Brimstone Kid (audio story)
- The City and the Clock (audio story)
- Closure (audio story)
- Conundrum (novel)
- Cuckoo (comic story)
- The Curse of Fenman (audio story)
- The Dark Flame (audio story)
- Dead and Buried (webcast)
- Dead Man's Switch (BFBS audio story)
- Dead Romance (novel)
- Deadfall (novel)
- Death and Diplomacy (novel)
- Death and the Daleks (audio story)
- Deceit (novel)
- The Diet of Worms (audio story)
- The Dimension Riders (novel)
- Disassembled (audio story)
- Down (novel)
- Dragons' Wrath (audio story)
- Dragons' Wrath (novel)
- Dry Pilgrimage (novel)
- The Dying Days (novel)
- Emperor of the Daleks! (comic story)
- The Empire State (audio story)
- The End of the World (audio story)
- Escaping the Future (audio story)
- Eternity Weeps (novel)
- Everybody Loves Irving (audio story)
- The Eye of Horus (audio story)
- Falls the Shadow (novel)
- Filthy Lucre (novel)
- The Final Amendment (audio story)
- Final Genesis (comic story)
- First Frontier (novel)
- Flashback (comic story)
- Freedom of Information (audio story)
- Genius Loci (novel)
- Ghost Devices (novel)
- Glory Days (audio story)
- Good Night, Sweet Ladies (audio story)
- A Handful of Dust (audio story)
- Happy Endings (novel)
- Head Games (novel)
- The Highest Science (audio story)
- The Highest Science (novel)
- HMS Surprise (audio story)
- Human Nature (novel)
- The Last Word (comic story)
- The Left-Handed Hummingbird (novel)
- Legacy (novel)
- The Lights of Skaro (audio story)