Cactus was the name given to several varieties of desert plants found on Earth and other worlds, which were usually green in colouration and covered with pointed spines.
The Zolfa-Thurans were similar in appearance to cacti. (TV: Meglos)
Wilfred Mott likened the Vinvocci to cacti due to their spiky green faces. Such a remark was apparently racist. (TV: The End of Time)
In Aztec Mexico, Ixta slashed Ian's wrist with a cactus needle the First Doctor had given him for a fight. Ian's energy was drained by this. (TV: "The Warriors of Death")
Jack Harkness once called Gwen Cooper "Cactus Woman", because she was being "prickly". (PROSE: The Wrong Hands)
When Amy Pond and Rory Williams stopped by the Old West on their honeymoon, Rory had a "cactus accident" which prompted Amy to ask the Eleventh Doctor to bring them some Salvon when he came to pick them up. (PROSE: Honeymoon Horrors)
Behind the scenes[]
References in invalid sources[]
Dennis the Menace once used a cactus for "target practice", by launching the spikes off of one and into a police officer's posterior, which his dog, Gnasher, had painted a red target onto. (COMIC: Dennis the Menace in Balloonatics)