Buyer's Remorse was an original story featured in Heroes and Monsters Collection.
to be added
- Twelfth Doctor
- GalMart Computer
- WinnerBoi
- Tawni
- Route22
- Gonk
- SheptonRothwellFan
- Ungarr
- Blathereen2632
- This corner of the galaxy measure time in rels.
- The great Galactic Web incursion spans the 24th to the 32nd century.
- After several wars, this quadrant of the galaxy have adopted rels as a means of counting.
- GalMart operates on GalCredit BitCurrency.
- The Doctor predicts Ungarr is a Hyranian Ore raider.
- The Doctor uses an umbrella identical to that used by his sixth incarnation (last seen in TV: The Mysterious Planet). He later replaces it with the question mark umbrella used by his seventh incarnation, (TV: Delta and the Bannermen et al) before discarding it into a bush.
- Route22 is Iris Wildthyme. While unintentional, it's probable that this story takes place after Future Legend and Just the Ticket, as in those stories, Iris decides to try to take better care of her bus.
- A Blathereen appears. (PROSE: The Monsters Inside et al) The Doctor comments that if it bought the TARDIS it would probably have dumped it on Clom. (TV: Love & Monsters)
- The Doctor knows that any creature from Raxacoricofallapatorius is not to be trusted. (TV: Aliens of London)
- The Doctor adopts the username "JohnSmith12" to bid for the TARDIS. He once used a similar name, JSmith8, to defeat IamI in #areyoulonely. (PROSE: Lonely)