A blonde girl was born on 15 August 1948 on the Earth of a bottle universe.
She lost her virginity at the age of 15 with Cal, and had an interest in serial killers like Jack the Ripper and Charles Manson. She was also fascinated with the supernatural, often visiting the seer Lady Diamond. She lived in an architecturally-unsound apartment she shared with Cal and Dorian. In 1970, when Chris Cwej arrived in the bottle, he met and seduced the girl at Lady Diamond's and extracted copies of her memories while she was distracted. He left her otherwise unharmed, leaving her to continue her life even after one of the duplicates into whom he had inserted her memories gained independent life as Christine Summerfield; the two's lives overlapped for a little while, until the "end of the world" when the Great Houses invaded the bottle Earth. Christine never bothered to investigate what happened to the blonde girl who shared everything but her name during these events, claiming in her autobiography that she "felt no sympathy for her at all". (PROSE: Dead Romance)