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Binoculars were devices used to look at things from a distance.

On Vortis, the First Doctor used binoculars to observe the Zarbi. (PROSE: The Lair of Zarbi Supremo) On Skaro, he used binoculars to survey the Dalek City. (TV: The Daleks) On Bruhl, he used binoculars to observe Grahm being pursued by the police. (PROSE: Justice of the Glacians)

In [102] AD, the Doctor spied the Romans with his binoculars. (TV: The Pandorica Opens)

In 1066, the Monk used anachronistic binoculars to scan the sea for longships. (TV: "The Meddling Monk")

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart gave the Doctor brass binoculars with a handle as a gift for helping him with a haunted-mask problem. The Doctor could not find them after the premier of The Magic Flute. Ryan Sinclair found them by chance and used during their visit to the Galactic Seed Vault. (PROSE: The Secret in Vault 13)

In 1941, Captain Jack Harkness used futuristic binoculars to observe Rose Tyler hanging from a barrage balloon. (TV: The Empty Child)

In 2009, Jack and Gwen Cooper used binoculars on a stakeout of the Machen estate. (PROSE: The Wrong Hands)

In 2018, Anton used binoculars to observe the Second Doctor frolicking on an Australian beach. (TV: The Enemy of the World)

In 2020, the Eleventh Doctor used binoculars to observe the future Amy Pond and Rory Williams. (TV: The Hungry Earth)

On Venus, Jeff and Andy Stone used binoculars to observe an oil well under Dalek control. They later used the glass lenses in the binoculars to magnify heat directly onto the oil well, causing it to explode. (COMIC: The Oil Well)
