Becky Wright voiced several characters for Big Finish Productions.
Doom's Day[]
As Terri
Other Roles
Doctor Who Main Range[]
- The Rani Elite - Lizzo
- Iron Bright - Flo Hawkins / Alayna
- Blood on Santa's Claw - Mole / Witch
- The Baby Awakes - Shreela / Jana / Pip / Janey
- Brightly Shone The Moon That Night - Mole / Shreela / Janey
- Plight of the Pimpernel - Nancy / Lady Calisto / Hologram Tyrax
The Ninth Doctor Adventures[]
- The Beautiful Game - Eva / Strike
The War Doctor Begins[]
- Fear Nothing - Jodall
The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles[]
- Spirit of the Season - Clara / Arkheion
UNIT: Nemesis[]
- The Curator's Gambit - Private Clare Duvall
Gallifrey: War Room[]
- Collaborators - Servant / Priest
- Transference - Other Roles
Susan's War[]
- The Shoreditch Intervention - Alex / Lehena
Doom's Day[]
- Dawn of an Everlasting Peace - Fynix
- A Date with Destiny - Peggy
- The Crowd - Stout Woman