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Baker may refer to:
- Baker (PROSE: The Banquo Legacy)
- Baker (TV: The Dalek Invasion of Earth)
- Ania Baker (PROSE: The Price of Paradise)
- Bob Baker (COMIC: The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who)
- Charlie Baker (COMIC: Super Gran)
- Earl Baker (PROSE: Comforts of Home)
- Fred Baker, mentioned in WC: A Ghost Story for Christmas
- Gordan Baker, mentioned in WC: A Ghost Story for Christmas
- Guy Baker (PROSE: Bay of the Dead)
- Howard Baker (TV: A Girl's Best Friend)
- Juno Baker (TV: A Girl's Best Friend)
- Josephine Baker, mentioned in COMIC: Wormwood
- Mary Baker, mentioned in WC: A Ghost Story for Christmas
- Norman Baker (TV: Doctor Who and the Silurians)
- Pete Baker (TV: The Moonbase)
- Ralph Baker (PROSE: Far from Home)
- Ruby Baker (PROSE: Yes, Missy)
- Tom Baker (COMIC: The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who)
- Tom Baker (COMIC: TV Action!)
Behind the scenes[]
- Colin Baker, who played the Sixth Doctor and Maxil
- Tom Baker, who played the Fourth Doctor
- Elijah Baker, who played Steve Wallace
- Charlie Baker, who played the Fat One in TV: A Good Man Goes to War
- George Baker, who appeared in TV: Full Circle
- John Baker (actor), who played Ralph in TV: The Visitation
- Lucy Baker, who played a young Nyssa in TV: Mawdryn Undead
- Matt Baker, the first incumbent Blue Peter presenter to appear as himself in a DWU story (TV: Aliens of London)
- Brian Baker, who appeared in TV: The Aztecs
- Donald Baker, who appeared in TV: Day of the Daleks
- Eric Baker, who appeared in TV: The Creature from the Pit
- John Adam Baker, who appeared in TV: Resurrection of the Daleks
- Jordan Baker, who appeared in TV: Day One and The Day of the Doctor
- Mark Blackwell Baker, who appeared in TV: The Robots of Death
- Mickie Baker, who appeared in TV: The Romans
- Nadia Baker, who appeared in TV: The Power of the Daleks
- Susan Baker, who appeared in TV: Delta and the Bannermen
- Sue Jerrard Baker, director of HOMEVID: Who on Earth is Tom Baker and wife of Tom Baker
Camera department[]
- John Baker, who worked as a cameraman on several TV stories
- Luke Baker, who worked as camera operator on TV: The Five
- Paul Baker, who worked on sound for Doctor Who Confidential
- Christine Baker, make-up assistant in TV: The Talons of Weng-Chiang
- Tina Baker, make-up assistant in TV: The Creature from the Pit
- Christopher Baker, a member of the production team in the 1970s, and cameoed in The Brain of Morbius
- Leslie Baker, a film operative in TV: Terror of the Zygons and The Android Invasion
- Matt Baker, a standby propsman on TV: Random Shoes
- Sam Baker, production co-ordinator on several Torchwood stories
- Bob Baker, creator of K9, most often partnered with Dave Martin
- Pip & Jane Baker, creator of the Rani, and writers during the Sixth Doctor and Seventh Doctors' eras
- Samantha Baker. writer of a number of Short Trips stories
- Emily Baker, who provided post production in the Big Finish Bernice Summerfield range
- Troy Baker, who voiced Batman in GAME: LEGO Dimensions
- Charlotte Baker, who worked on the administration team of Vortex
- Roger Baker, who wrote a feature about Bessie for Radio Times