Atlanta Kidnapped! was a short story printed in TV Century 21 that contained elements from the Doctor Who universe. Framed as the front page of an in-universe periodical, it was not related to The Daleks and the titular article instead made reference to the Stingray content in the issue with a smaller piece tying-in to the Fireball XL5 comic story Ceasefire — But War Tension Mounts..., the second part of a multi-series crossover with the DWU.
to be added
- Atlanta is described as a "Wasp Beauty" as well as a "23 year-old auburn-haired beauty".
- Atlanta is the daughter of Commander S. Shore and has been working alongside him as assistant controller in Marineville's Tower for several years.
- Atlanta was kidnapped by one of Titan's undercover agents on Tuesday as she spent the morning sketching and painting on a beach.
- Captain Troy Tempest found the beach deserted with signs in the sand which indicated a struggle took place. He told a TV 21 reporter that plans are being made to trace her.
- Commander Zero has ordered Astro-Controller Clarke of the Tenth Space Fleet to withdraw from battle action with the Astran Fleet.
- Usually reliable sources have informed the correspondent that the order was given at the World President's command and that the President's private hoverjet has arrived in Space City.
- Zodiac and Robert the Robot are pictured at the controls of the Fireball XL5.
Story notes[]
- This story is another crossover with Fireball XL5 and Stingray.
- News of Commander Zero's order to withdraw the Tenth Space Fleet from combat with the Astrans has reached Space City. (COMIC: Space Border Battle)
- Earth is in full mobilisation for war but the President has ordered a ceasefire. (COMIC: Ceasefire — But War Tension Mounts...)