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The Astran ambassador to Earth in 2065 was a blue Astran with a mauve inner glow and faint greenish highlights. They had a deadpan and sarcastic demeanour even in the face of crisis.


Present on Earth when Space War broke out, the ambassador was eager to work with the President of Earth to ensure the conflict was resolved quickly and relations between Astrans and "Solarians" once again proceeded smoothly. They sat in the President's office with him to welcome Zodiac and Zero and introduce Zodiac to his mission: (COMIC: Ceasefire — But War Tension Mounts...) carry a sealed envelope to the Kaplan of the Astrans in person, flying through enemy lines in the process. (COMIC: President Offers Peace...)

The ambassador was once more in conference with the President on 5 June 2065, following the assassination of the visiting Kaplan by an unknown party, which had frozen the peace talks begun by the ambassador and President's initiative. The ambassador warned Zodiac that once he found the culprits, they would have to be sent to Astra for justice, to satisfy the vengefulness of the new Kaplan (who was already about to return to his home planet). (COMIC: Army In House To House Search)

Behind the scenes[]

Darker Ambassador

The ambassador as depicted in COMIC: Army In House To House Search.

  • Due to inconsistent colouring, the ambassador was depicted a much darker hue in Army In House To House Search than in their previous appearances. No in-universe explanation is given for the change.