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Ash (disambiguation)
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Ash was the powder left of something after it had burned.
The Year Without a Summer in 1816 was blamed on volcanic ash, however, the Thirteenth Doctor pondered whether it was really something else which caused it. (TV: The Haunting of Villa Diodati [+]Maxine Alderton, Doctor Who series 12 (BBC One, 2020).)
The soil of the petrified jungle on Skaro turned to sand and ashes due to radiation. (TV: The Daleks [+]Terry Nation, Doctor Who season 1 (BBC tv, 1963-1964).)
According to a diagram used by the Spy Master, ash clouds could come from volcanos. (TV: The Power of the Doctor [+]Chris Chibnall, Doctor Who Centenary Special 2022 (BBC One, 2022).)
Zolfa-Thura was reduced to sand and ashes after a war. (TV: Meglos [+]John Flanagan and Andrew McCulloch, Doctor Who season 18 (BBC1, 1980).)
The "snow" that fell in London on Christmas Day 2006 was actually ash from the remnants of the Sycorax spaceship. (TV: The Christmas Invasion [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who Christmas special (BBC One, 2005). Shortly after, UNIT's Sgt Catherine Petts later noticed that the "snow" wasn't melting. (PROSE: Project Rooftop [+]BBC webteam, U.N.I.T. (BBC, 2005).)
The Third Doctor described Earth in the 30th century as "slag, ash, clinker." (TV: The Mutants [+]Bob Baker and Dave Martin, Doctor Who season 9 (BBC1, 1972).)