In 1961, (PROSE: The Secret Lives of Monsters) a Dalek survivor of the Last Great Time War fell through time and crashed as a meteorite on the Ascension Islands. The Dalek lay in its burning crater for three days, screaming the entire time, before it was retrieved. Its weapon systems inactive and its outer armour heavily damaged, the Dalek was sold at personal auction and passed through several hands. By 2006, (PROSE: Operation London, et al.) it was owned by Henry van Statten, (TV: Dalek) after being bought at a private auction, which the entry fee alone cost $1000000, (PROSE: The Secret Lives of Monsters) which UNIT was aware of, (PROSE: Object Auction) having been tracking this "Code D" since its crash, however they lost track of it after it entered Utah. (AUDIO: The Dalek Transaction)
In 2010, while Jo Jones attended a faked funeral of the Eleventh Doctor, Clifford Jones, her husband, picketed an oil rig in the Ascension Islands. (TV: Death of the Doctor)