Amy Johnson was the first woman to fly across the world. She was also the first woman in Britain to become a qualified ground engineer. (COMIC: A Wing and a Prayer)
She was born in Hull. (PROSE: Divided Loyalties)
She first became a pilot after her sister Irene committed suicide, which made her decide to live in the moment. Clara Oswald read about her in school, and Amy became an inspiration for her. When the Eleventh Doctor took her to Baghdad in 1930, Clara ran into Amy in the desert outside, and realised that she was on her solo flight from the UK to Australia. Amy then met her in a hotel, where they had a conversation. Afterwards, Amy helped the Doctor and Clara in their conflict against Koragatta. (COMIC: A Wing and a Prayer)
On 6 January 1941, during World War II, Amy Johnson's aeroplane was shot down over the English Channel and crashed in the Thames Estuary near Kent. Amy herself was rescued by Gaylord LeFevre, who took her to the Celestial Toyroom and introduced her to the Toymaker. He challenged her to a game of cribbage, which she lost. (PROSE: Divided Loyalties)
According to another source, Clara wanted to save Amy Johnson, but the Doctor told her that her death was a fixed point in time. However, Clara realised that, since Amy's body was never found, she didn't actually need to die, history only needed to record her death. Therefore, Clara and the Doctor saved Amy and took her to Cornucopia where she could continue flying. (COMIC: A Wing and a Prayer)