Amble the Ugly Doll, or Amble the Fairly Ugly Doll, (PROSE: Writer's Notes) was a Scorchie. She was one of the main presenters of The Scorchies Show. She was responsible for some of the guest star challenges.
In one episode, she made a soufflé with Delia Smith.
When Jo Grant infiltrated the Scorchie's TV studio, the Third Doctor infiltrated Amble's telepathic relay and rewired her personality circuits. When Amble gave Jo the challenge of making "a thing". Said thing was an anti-Scorchie gun made of cardboard tubes, sticky-backed plastic, a pipe cleaner, and a mind crystal from Trantis 1. When Amble's treachery was revealed, Cool Cat killed her with his ray gun. (AUDIO: The Scorchies)
In the 21st century, Amble had a Wikipedia page which was often hacked and altered. (PROSE: Writer's Notes)