The Amazolian system was a solar system orbiting the star Amazol.
Aurichall, the homeworld of the Cyberons, was the first planet of the Amazolian system. (PROSE: The Blue Scream of Death [+]Tyche McPhee Letts, Cyberon (Arcbeatle Press, 2020)., Samhain Miracles [+]Aristide Twain and Henry Walker, Horrors of Arcbeatle (Small Miracles, Arcbeatle Press, 2023).) It was located at the frontier between the rival noospheres that "grinded" against each other (PROSE: The Blue Scream of Death [+]Tyche McPhee Letts, Cyberon (Arcbeatle Press, 2020).) due to the War in Heaven, making it a frontier world. (PROSE: The Book of the War [+]Lawrence Miles, et al., Faction Paradox novels (Mad Norwegian Press, 2002).) This effect was what produced the praxis-based Cyberon hive mind itself. (PROSE: The Blue Scream of Death [+]Tyche McPhee Letts, Cyberon (Arcbeatle Press, 2020).)
In the posthuman era, the Plume Coteries established a colony on the Amazolian planet RMS. (PROSE: A Farewell to Arms [+]Nate Bumber, The Book of the Peace (Faction Paradox, 2018).) RMS became a Great Houses base as part of the War in Heaven, (PROSE: A Farewell to R.M.S.) and was destroyed during the Armistice when Wade used the "Greater Key". (PROSE: A Farewell to Arms [+]Nate Bumber, The Book of the Peace (Faction Paradox, 2018).)
As part of a praxis-induced vision, Avus briefly visited a cliff overlooking a forest in the Amazolian system. A planet in the system was home to Meerwolves and mercury waterfalls. (PROSE: Cobweb and Ivory) This was Ulk, the forest planet of the Ulk-Ra, PROSE: Samhain Miracles [+]Aristide Twain and Henry Walker, Horrors of Arcbeatle (Small Miracles, Arcbeatle Press, 2023)., The Cactus and the Corpse [+]Aristide Twain, Horrors of Arcbeatle (Auteur, Coloth, Arcbeatle Press, 2023).) one of the planets from whom the Aliens had recruited brainwashed soldiers during their War Games plot before settling on humans. After the incident concluded, the Time Lords chose to return one brainwashed test subject to the planet without undoing its mental conditioning, (PROSE: War Crimes [+]Simon Bucher-Jones, Short Trips (Short Trips short stories, 1998).) which resulted in the premature murder of the Ulk-Ra Coloth and, downstream of it, in a major deviation to history which involved Coloth's tribe becoming a rationalistic, scientifically advanced nation. (PROSE: The Cactus and the Corpse [+]Aristide Twain, Horrors of Arcbeatle (Auteur, Coloth, Arcbeatle Press, 2023).)
Yet another planet in the system was Holofernes, a cold, mostly mineral planet with a single nameless Moon. While the Moon was home to ancient Cyber-tombs left by the Aurichallians, the planet, by the late 25th century, was home to a few human colony-cities. (PROSE: Samhain Miracles [+]Aristide Twain and Henry Walker, Horrors of Arcbeatle (Small Miracles, Arcbeatle Press, 2023).)