In an alternate timeline, the Cybermen, after integrating N-Space with the Federation universe, successfully conquered Mutter's Spiral. Several points in this timeline were visited by the Doctor's TARDIS, as the Eleventh Doctor demonstrated to Captain Jean-Luc Picard what would happen had the Cybermen been allowed to conquer the Borg.
After conquering the Borg Collective in the late 24th century, the Cybermen began a campaign to convert the galaxy. Throughout the 25th century, the Cybermen converted the Klingons of Qo'noS by 2418, the Raxacoricofallapatorians of Raxacoricofallapatorius by 2448, the Vulcans of Vulcan by 2468, and the Judoon of Judoonia by 2493. By 2533, the Cybermen had conquered Earth and vanquished San Francisco's Starfleet Academy, the last holdout of free humanity. (COMIC: Assimilation²)