Aldebaran or al-dabarān was a star visible from Earth's skies. In 9th century Sudan, Nisrin observed it and called it by its Arabic name. (AUDIO: The Destroyer of Delights) The Seventh Doctor observed it in the sky over Paris in 1897. (PROSE: The Death of Art)
Emigrants from the Aldebaran system sometimes sent money back to Aldebaran banks. (PROSE: Grimm Reality) Planets in the system included Aldebaran II (AUDIO: The Paradise of Death) Aldebaran III, (TV: The Pirate Planet) and Aldebaran IV. (PROSE: The Price of Conviction) Jack Harkness knew of a place near Aldebaran which had great curry, and offered to take Rose Tyler and the Ninth Doctor there during his trips in The TARDIS. (COMIC: Hot Springs Eternal) According to the Fifth Doctor, Chodor was on the eastern edge of Aldebaran. (AUDIO: The Whispering Forest)
"By Aldebaran!" was an oath Rolf used to express surprise. (COMIC: Ship of Fools) Aldebaran Instant was a brand of tea. (PROSE: The Tomorrow Windows) River Song had a bottle of Aldebaran brandy hidden in one of the TARDIS roundels, (TV: The Husbands of River Song) as did the First Doctor. (TV: Twice Upon a Time)