Agents Observation Test was a 21 feature printed in TV Century 21, consisting of eight questions based on that issue's stories for readers to answer. One of them tied-in to the penultimate part of The Road to Conflict and, as such, referenced the Daleks.
It was given in-universe framing, being introduced by Agent Twenty One and addressed to his fellow Universal Secret Service agents. Agents Observation Test was a notable crossover, involving elements from Get Smart and Catch or Kill alongside the Daleks for the first (and only) time. It was also a crossover with Fireball XL5, Stingray and Thunderbirds, which all crossed over with the DWU on both prior and future occasions.
The answers were printed upside down on the same page as the questions, with readers scoring three marks for each question completely correct and one mark for each part correct. A score between 20 and 24 was deemed to be as a result of "excellent" observation providing that the scorer did not look back to crib their answers, a score between 15 and 20 was determined to be "very good", while those who scored less than 15 points were advised to read through their copy of TV21 again and get twice the enjoyment.
1. What is the name of the K.A.O.S. agent who at present holds Maxie Smart and 99 captive?
2a. Can you name the Arctic base where International Rescue are attempting rescue operations?
2b. What is the Firefly?
- Firefly is part of International Rescue's fire fighting equipment
2c. What is the name of the ice breaker at present rushing to the Arctic base?
3. What is the name of the planet on which Fireball XL5 has landed?
4a. What is the name of the base commander in charge of Loch Fionn W.A.S.P. base?
4b. Who was McEwan?
- McEwan was a 16th Century Scotsman who looted Spanish warships and stored their treasure to be used to finance his war against the English
4c. What is the name of the base doctor?
- Doctor Savi
5a. How many people are making the trip to Mars in Zero X?
- 5
5b. What is the name of the night club singer in the story?
- Cliff Richard Junior
5c. What is the name of the space port from which Zero X takes off?
- Glenn Field
6. Who stops the soldier from shooting at Crag Gorton's sabre-toothed tiger?
7. How are the Moonshot Appollo spacemen's space suits kept cool?
- They are kept cool by water
8. How many survivors are left from the Earth ship which is destroyed by the Daleks?
- Three — Captain Flint, Tom and Jennie