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Abigail was the daughter of The Cloven Hoof's landlord Victor and his childhood sweetheart Amelia.

When a vampire known as Lilyana arrived in Devil's End she was drawn to Victor's passion for her family and intended for him to become her eternal companion. She brutally murdered Abigail and Amelia by slashing their throats, and subsequently turned Victor into a vampire. However, Victor resented Lilyana for taking his wife and child from him and from that day forward carried a locket with Lilyana's image inside to remind him of his family.

Hundreds of years later in the 20th century, Olive Hawthorne learned the truth about Victor when she discovered him feasting on a deer at the grave of his wife and child. His memories of their deaths still visibly shook him when he spoke of it. (HOMEVID: Half Light [+]Error: Code 2 - no data stored in variables, cache or SMW., PROSE: Half Light [+]Suzanne Barbieri, adapted from Half Light, Olive Hawthorne and the Dæmons of Devil's End (Telos Publishing).)
