A Confusion of Angels was the sixth and final story featured in the third year of Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor comic story series, published in 2017.
The Hordes of Heaven[]
The Doctor, Bill Potts and Nardole land on a spaceship. Nardole voices his disapproval towards answering distress signals but the Doctor points out that he is concerned due to the fact that the ship appears to be adrift in space but hasn't sent out an SOS. Once aboard the Doctor notices auxiliary lighting and realises that the ship must be operating on emergency systems. He also comes to the discovery that the ship is owned by Max Capricorn.
On the bridge Captain Brew, Chief engineer Ojei, Doctor Scend and Cha hold a birthday celebration for Technician Kathryn Holbert, however, she does not attend. Due to the fact that the comms are down, and Security officer Wyot is also missing, Ojei and Scend volunteer to search for them. The Doctor, Bill and Nardole are held at gunpoint by Ojei but Nardole creates a distraction which allows Bill to escape. The Doctor and Nardole are taken to the bridge and tied up while Ojei and Scend return to their search for the missing crew members.
The Doctor manages to gain the trust of Brew when he breaks free of his restraints and fixes the comms systems and lighting.
The Dark Side of Heaven[]
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Good Heavens![]
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Heaven's First Law[]
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- Twelfth Doctor
- Bill Potts
- Nardole
- Captain Brew
- Chief Engineer Ojei
- Doctor Scend
- Cha
- Technician Kathryn Holbert
- Gabriel
- A Weeping Angel
- Missy
- Detective Inspector Margaret Ag-Kris Therur-Ford Jingatheen
- Captain Nibri
- Ninth Doctor (flashback)
- Rose Tyler (flashback)
- Jack Harkness (flashback)
- Security officer Wyot
- A recording of Max Capricorn appears.
- Green is the universal colour for medicine.
- The Doctor tells Bill to activate Emergency Protocol 13-9. It contacts Missy in the Vault.
- Detective Inspector Margaret Ag-Kris Therur-Ford Jingatheen has the exact appearance as Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen wearing the skin suit of Margaret Blaine.
- Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number 13.
- Bill and Nardole joke about "Return of the Jeden" and "The Last Jeden," a reference to the Star Wars films Return of the Jedi and The Last Jedi.
- Similarly to what's seen on this story, an early draft of The Stolen Earth had an infant Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen at the Shadow Proclamation. She was adopted by the Jingatheen family and named Margaret.
- The flashback of the Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler, and Jack Harkness looking across the TARDIS console at Blon/Margaret shows the trio as they were from the end shot of The Empty Child, as Jack has been drawn in his greatcoat.
- Margaret's warning to the Weeping Angels, "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry...", spoken while revealing her green claw, is a reference to The Incredible Hulk.
- Nardole does not want the Doctor to leave the Vault unattended. (TV: The Pilot, Thin Ice)
- The Doctor once met Max Capricorn, who tried to kill the crew of a liner with the Heavenly Host as an insurance scam. (TV: Voyage of the Damned)
- The Doctor once encountered a mummy on a space vessel. (TV: Mummy on the Orient Express)
- One of the the Jeden's stops is Penhaxico Two. (TV: Voyage of the Damned)
- Missy watches Back to the Future. (COMIC: The Great Shopping Bill)
- The Doctor leaves Bill a message written on a wall, as he did for Sally Sparrow. (TV: Blink)
- The Doctor comes across a reformed Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen. He recounts to Bill how her family attempted to start World War Three before he thwarted them, (TV: Aliens of London/World War Three) as well as how she tried to blow up the planet, kill the Doctor over dinner, and regressed into an egg after staring into the heart of the TARDIS, ready to start a new life. (TV: Boom Town)
- The Doctor is sent back in time by a Weeping Angel. (TV: Blink)
- Missy predicts that one day, the Doctor will find a ship in space that he can't save. The Doctor says that he will at least try. (TV: World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls)
- Gabe says that he has developed a fault, a statement made by Handles as he was shutting down. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)
- Bill again alludes to having a crush on the TARDIS due to its liking trouble and dresses. (TV: Thin Ice)
- Nardole says he was once blue. (TV: World Enough and Time)
- Nardole knows from experience that decapitation is "not so nice." (TV: The Husbands of River Song)
External links[]
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