88 George Avenue was the address of Lucy Sobel and her boyfriend Ricky's flat in Grangetown, Cardiff. It was located halfway along George Avenue.
Gwen Cooper broke into the flat using her Leatherman in search of Lucy. Seeing the TV setup, her police training told her that it was probably stolen property. In the back room of the flat, covered in blood, she found the half-eaten and naked body of Ricky lying on the bed, while Lucy was hidden behind the door.
Gwen fought Lucy and waited with her unconscious body until Ianto Jones arrived in the Torchwood SUV to take her to the Hub. Once Lucy was secure, Ianto returned to 88 George Avenue and cleaned the place up, leaving no sign that anything had occurred. (PROSE: Slow Decay)
Number 88 was a house which had been converted into flats. One window of the building was cracked, paint was peeling from the two front doors and weeds formed a border between the concrete front garden and the house walls. Lucy and Ricky lived in the downstairs of the building, a second separate flat was located above them.
The front door to Lucy and Ricky's flat opened into the hall, from where the kitchen was located straight ahead. The kitchen was littered with dirty plates, crockery, cutlery and pans, along with several old takeaway containers. In the cupboards were packets of rice, biscuits and tea.
The front room had bare floorboards, which were scattered with DVD cases and discs. An old sofa faced a large HDTV with full audio-visual setup, including surround-sound speakers by the TV and either side of the sofa.
The back room was Lucy and Ricky's bedroom. The floor was carpeted, and scattered with clothes - including a Manolo Blahnik knock-off woman's shoe. There were his'n'hers cabinets at either side of the bed. Lucy's contained various papers, hairclips, a leaflet from the Scotus Clinic and her diary. (PROSE: Slow Decay)