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DiT 2013

Pauline Fowler and Kathy Beale tell the Third Doctor that it is 2013. (TV: Dimensions in Time)

2013 in

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2013 was a year.



January - August

On 14 February, an Ameteli visited Earth and used a shimmer to disguise himself as the god Cupid. He used arrows tipped with porcheen neurotoxins to make several humans temporarily fall in love. He was defeated when the Eleventh Doctor and Decky Flamboon hit him with one of his own love arrows. (COMIC: Love is in the Air)

DWA CS 313 The Egg Hunt

Astro-raptors attack an Easter egg hunt. (COMIC: The Egg Hunt)

During an Easter egg hunt, the Eleventh Doctor encountered an Astro-raptor invasion force. Using his TARDIS, he took them away from Earth and resettled them on another planet. (COMIC: The Egg Hunt)

After discovering the true Clara Oswald, the Eleventh Doctor sent a Spoonhead to the Shard in London to upload Rosemary Kizlet to the Great Intelligence's data cloud. Kizlet ordered her men to save her, which meant downloading all the minds in the cloud back to the people with bodies, including Kizlet and Clara. (TV: The Bells of Saint John [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 7 (BBC One, 2013).)

The Eleventh Doctor often went to 2013 to see Clara, who worked as a nanny, looking after Angie and Artie Maitland. The Maitland siblings discovered that Clara travelled in time when she came back from Sweetville in Yorkshire in 1893, showing her pictures they had found of her in 1974 and 1983. (TV: The Crimson Horror [+]Mark Gatiss, Doctor Who series 7 (BBC One, 2013).)

On 19 July, following outstanding examination results, Coal Hill School accepted Tanya Adeola's request to move up three years, citing her "truly extraordinary academic capability". (TV: Nightvisiting)

At some point in July, the The Year of the Slow Invasion ended. (TV: The Power of Three [+]Chris Chibnall, Doctor Who series 7 (BBC One, 2012).), PROSE: The Whoniverse)

September - December

Clara Oswald began teaching at Coal Hill School. (TV: The Day of the Doctor [+]Steven Moffat, 50th Anniversary Specials (BBC One, 2013).)

In September, (TV: The Zygon Invasion [+]Peter Harness, Doctor Who series 9 (BBC One, 2015)., COMIC: Clara Oswald and the School of Death) the Zygons who had been in stasis inside several paintings in the Black Archive began waking up. The Eleventh Doctor and Clara were brought to the archive to investigate, but became side-tracked with a time-fissure created by the Moment. While the Doctor encountered two of his past incarnations, the Zygons copied three important members of UNIT and infiltrated the Black Archive. The people that had been copied by Zygons followed the copies to the archive and attempted to stop the Zygons from stealing technology. The Doctor came to the archive with his Tenth and War incarnations. They used their sonic screwdrivers to temporarily wipe some of the memories of the Zygons and humans so that nobody knew which species they were. (TV: The Day of the Doctor [+]Steven Moffat, 50th Anniversary Specials (BBC One, 2013).) Under these conditions a peace treaty was established between humans and Zygons that led to the integration of 20 million Zygons into human society. (TV: The Zygon Invasion [+]Peter Harness, Doctor Who series 9 (BBC One, 2015).)


The Eleventh Doctor talks with the Curator. (TV: The Day of the Doctor [+]Steven Moffat, 50th Anniversary Specials (BBC One, 2013).)

The three Doctors and Clara left the archive to save Gallifrey at the end of the Last Great Time War. After they were successful, they returned to the archive and said farewell. When the Eleventh Doctor was alone he encountered one of his future incarnations. (TV: The Day of the Doctor [+]Steven Moffat, 50th Anniversary Specials (BBC One, 2013).)

On 25 December, after an absence of two years, the Eleventh Doctor joined Amy Pond and Rory Williams for Christmas dinner. (TV: The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2011 (BBC One, 2011).)


The Doctor and the Nurse (comic story)

The Cybermen surround the Doctor's TARDIS in Cardiff. (COMIC: The Doctor and the Nurse)

Sometime during this year, the Tenth Doctor foiled an Auton invasion in the Hyperville shopping complex. (PROSE: Autonomy)

The Eleventh Doctor visited Cardiff with Rory Williams to refuel the TARDIS using the Rift. They were captured by Cybermen. (COMIC: The Doctor and the Nurse)

The Seventh Doctor and Ace found Group Captain Ian Gilmore's memoirs in a bookshop in London. (AUDIO: 1963: The Assassination Games)

The Fifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan Jovanka and Turlough encountered Eldrad in Ambermouth, England. (AUDIO: Eldrad Must Die!)

According to some accounts, the Eleventh Doctor had met Kate Stewart during or before this year. (TV: The Bells of Saint John [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who series 7 (BBC One, 2013)., COMIC: The Fractures, Clara Oswald and the School of Death) However, according to another account, the Doctor had not yet met Kate and would not for at least another year. (TV: The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe [+]Steven Moffat, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2011 (BBC One, 2011)., WC: Pond Life, TV: The Power of Three [+]Chris Chibnall, Doctor Who series 7 (BBC One, 2012).)

Births and deaths

Paul Foster was killed in a car crash. In a parallel universe, his wife, youngest daughter and oldest daughter were killed, but he survived. (COMIC: The Fractures)
