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1970 in

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Timeline for 1970
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1970 was a year.



In January,[1] part-Time Lord/part-human girl regenerated into an incarnation who was later known as Mels, initially emerging as "a toddler in the middle of New York." (TV: Day of the Moon, TV: A Good Man Goes to War, Let's Kill Hitler)

On 17 April, 1970, Apollo 13 safely returned to Earth after an oxygen tank exploded mid-flight. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary)

In the summer of 1970 the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler visited Durham University, where they caused Frank Openshaw to meet his future wife Sandra. (PROSE: I Am a Dalek)

On 20 July, according to one account, the first human astronauts landed on the Moon, where they encountered the First Doctor, John and Gillian. (COMIC: Moon Landing)

Melody's first assumed regen

Melody Pond regenerates. (TV: Day of the Moon)


Mars Probe 7 reached Earth, the radioactive aliens were removed and the Third Doctor prevented General George Carrington from starting a war. (TV: The Ambassadors of Death, PROSE: Who Killed Kennedy)

"Mary" killed Myra Bennett to consume her heart. Human authorities didn't catch her. (TV: Greeks Bearing Gifts)

The Second Doctor and Jamie McCrimmon encountered the Ice Apes in Antarctica. (COMIC: Ice Cap Terror)

The Second Doctor, John and Gillian fought the Cybermen in London. (COMIC: Cyber-Mole)

Emeritus Professor Dame Hilda Hutchens won the Nobel Prize for Philosophy. (PROSE: Island of Death)

A new house at 39 Bannerman Road was constructed, replacing the previous house which was demolished in 1969. (AUDIO: The Ghost House)

The Eleventh Doctor encountered the Morphuse in Detroit. (COMIC: Bite of the Morphuse!)

Ravenscaur School began accepting female students during this year. (COMIC: Clara Oswald and the School of Death)

Alternate timeline

In an alternate timeline, the Beatles did not break up in 1970. The Eighth Doctor's companion Fitz Kreiner saw them perform at Live Aid in 1985. (PROSE: The Gallifrey Chronicles)

Births and deaths


On 20 August, Dorothy Gale McShane, later to be a companion of the Seventh Doctor known as "Ace", was born to Audrey Dudman in England. (TV: Ghost Light)


Charles de Gaulle died. (PROSE: Who Killed Kennedy)

Agatha Ellis was born in Hove. Her mother died in childbirth, which caused her father to suffer a mental illness. (PROSE: Curtain Call)

Trey Korte was born in Chicago. (PROSE: Instruments of Darkness)


New York City's total population was 7,824,756, 1,437,023 of whom were foreign-born. (TV: The Gathering)


  1. Day of the Moon dates the scene in which Melody Pond regenerates to six months after the Apollo 11 mission, which occurred in July 1969.