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1951 in

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Timeline for 1951
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1951 was a year.



Before 25 May, the Seventh Doctor and Ace attended the Festival of Britain. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Exodus) The Eighth Doctor also passed through the Festival at the same time. He briefly saw his past self and his former companion but did not recognise either of them. (PROSE: Endgame) The Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon, and Zoe Heriot visited the Festival and encountered a Vardan. (AUDIO: The British Invasion)

On 22 June, the last Witchcraft Act was repealed in the United Kingdom. (TV: The Dæmons)


The First Doctor, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright moved a replica of the Stone of Scone to Arbroath Abbey, where it was accidentally broken in two. (PROSE: Set in Stone)

What's My Line? was hosted by Eamonn Andrews and ran on British television from 1951 to 1963, each Sunday at 8.30pm. (PROSE: The Time Traveller's Almanac)

The first radio telescope was invented. (TV: Pyramids of Mars)

Mrs Randall was given a prize as "Miss Ealing". (TV: Eye of the Gorgon)

The local people of Lapperton on the Dorset Coast found the face of a large creature stuck inside the cliff. The Eleventh Doctor identified the creature as a Demigod. It broke free in search of its other half. For the first time in a while, it went away. (COMIC: The Cliff Face)

Annette Billingsley started publishing The Troubleseekers series of books. (PROSE: The Mystery of the Haunted Cottage)

Births and deaths


On 16 April, Owain Vine was born. (PROSE: The Forgotten Son)

On 18 August, Sarah Jane Smith's parents, Eddie and Barbara Smith, died in a car accident on a country lane outside of the village of Foxgrove. Sarah Jane was subsequently raised by Eddie's sister Lavinia Smith. (TV: The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith)



The infant Sarah Jane Smith. (TV: The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith)

Michael Duncan was born. (GAME: "Player Characters" [+]Part of The Iytean Menace, J. Andrew Keith, The Doctor Who Role Playing Game (FASA, 1985).)

John Grainger was born. (PROSE: Incongruous Details)

Carla Morgan was born. (PROSE: Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?)

Sarah Jane Smith was born. (TV: The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith) Other accounts dated her birth to 1 February 1956. (PROSE: The Roving Reporter)

Mary Jane Powell died falling off a balcony. (PROSE: Rose)
