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18 June in

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18 June




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June 1926

A calendar showing June 1926. (TV: Carnival of Monsters)

18 June was a date.



In 1178, five medieval monks in Canterbury on Earth saw "a flaming torch" spring out of the Moon, spewing "fire, hot coals and sparks". Scientists initially believed that this was the collision that created the Giordano Bruno crater, although by the mid-21st century most scientists agreed that it was the Moon beginning to hatch. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary)

18 June 1815 was the date of the Battle of Waterloo, (AUDIO: The Curse of Davros) a military conflict on Earth which resulted in the defeat of the reconstituted French imperial army of Napoléon Bonaparte by the British under the Duke of Wellington and the Prussians under Marshal Blucher. (PROSE: World Game) Wellington reflected on that particular day, telling the Doctor, "The only thing sadder than a battle lost is a battle won." (PROSE: The Eight Doctors)

An important battle in European history, Waterloo was subject to several alien incursions. The 18th of June therefore saw both the Players and Davros trying to reverse the outcome, and a consequent need for the Doctor's intervention. Both invasions were stopped by people surrounding the Doctor. In the case of the Player assault on the "rightful" outcome of 18 June, the Time Lord Serena took a fatal bullet for Wellington. Equally, Bonaparte himself deliberately lost the battle so as to stop the proliferation of Dalek weapons amongst his army, and thereby thwarted Davros' plans to take over the Earth. (PROSE: World Game; AUDIO: The Curse of Davros)

One account[nb 1] dated the transportation of the Royal Hope Hospital to the Moon by the Judoon in search of Florence Finnegan to this date in 2007. (PROSE: The Paradox Moon [+]Dave Rudden, The Wintertime Paradox (BBC Children's Books, 2020). Page 387; Edition: 2021 paperback.) Other accounts dated the event to March 2008, either in March (AUDIO: Recruits [+]Ken Cheng, Redacted (BBC Sounds, 2022). Timestamp 10 minutes 10 seconds.) or on 4 June in an unspecified year. (PROSE: The Secret Lives of Monsters [+]Justin Richards, BBC Books (2014). Page 120.)


Colin Baker's iPad homescreen

The home screen of Colin Baker's iPad, reading "12:02 Tuesday 18 June". (WC: The Trial)

According to Colin Baker's iPad, his trial over a parking fine occurred at roughly 12:02 on Tuesday, 18 June. (WC: The Trial)

Births and deaths

In 1945, Lucia Moretti, an Italian Torchwood agent and a lover of Jack Harkness, was born. (TV: Children of Earth: Day Three)


According to a calendar aboard the SS Bernice, 18 June 1926 was a Tuesday. (TV: Carnival of Monsters)

Behind the scenes

Page 120 of The Secret Lives of Monsters gives Sunday 4 June as the date of the events of Smith and Jones [+]Russell T Davies, Doctor Who series 3 (BBC One, 2007). and the Royal Hope incident. However, it does not specify 2007 or 2008 as a current year. On top of this, the first two Sunday 4 Junes after 2004 (page 119 places the incident over 30 years after 1974) are in 2006 and 2017.


  1. The Sound of Drums dates the Year That Never Was as beginning five days after the events of Smith and Jones.