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I admit that he was acting rather reckless and largely thinking of Diana in that situation, but he and Gwen pointed out that it was the only way to return Jack and Tosh to the present day (especially after Bilis sabotaged their earlier efforts and tricked them). I think maybe that Jack also should’ve made up with Owen in End of Days, but what do you think?
Just Updated
And here we are! The final one! Not gonna be ranking Ncuti for obvious reasons but we are gonna be ending things of with
The Fourteenth Doctor!
This was miles better than 10. Miles!
After looking at the 60th specials again, I noticed something. This is more tolerable then Tennants first run? Why?
Because he matured. We finally have someone who has lost so much and we finally get to see that lifetime of guilt as to what Amy, Clara and Bills deaths really did to that alien.
We get someone who has that same spark of Tennant which is good obviously. Although it can have a downside. For instance I found him slightly irritating at Star Beast with "this is a Sonic screwdriver". Dunno why but that annoyed me
Donna as well had that amazing chemistry with him than 10 ever did.
He's not Perfect but he is going at the top of Great
Guys look at this list. Ok? Just look! Look at how many Doctors are Good, Great and Perfect compared to the 4 Doctors that I didn't really like. That says something doesn't it? This is a franchise that yes has a bit of cringe moments and bad Doctors that can be disagreed upon. But there are those Doctors that we just cherish with our hearts. Like Eccleston and Smith for me whereas someone might prefer Paul McGann and Jodie Whitaker
Just wanted to end this to say thanks for the comments and everything that made me kinda take a step back and realise that all Doctors are cherished really.
Can anybody tell me which stories from "The Collection" have been treated to the updated special effects? I've seen The Dalek Invasion of Earth, which looked fine anyway, and Terror of the Autons, which looks amazing. But I'd be interested to know which others have been updated, particularly ones that would appear to me to benefit hugely, like State of Decay.
(Edited by FH2104)
Warning: incredibly controversial cos now it's time for:
The Fugitive Doctor
Also can we just appreciate these images? These really improve from Doctor to Doctor. This one is the best by far!
Jo Martin I haven't seen prior to DW. But here me out. I actually think she's pretty damn impressive
Yea I know. For someone who didn't really appreciate Mr Chibs I genuinely think her, along with Graham and Dan were the best part of this era
I just love her mystery just as much as Rivers to which I also like (see I told you it's very controversial) and her personality is very good as well
Her role in POTD could be improved a bit but I can get over it for just how good she nails it. Like I'm lost for words here.
So it is with great pleasure to the pleasure of others I'm sure to put this Doctor in Good
So why Good? Its the same with Pert tbh. I love her but there's other Doctors that I like.
Ok I'm ready for the slander
For each of the following categories, what score out of 10 would you give Underworld?
Plot (e.g: Is the story idea good? Does the episode do it justice? Does the plot run smoothly or drag on? etc)
Characters (e.g: Are the characters believable? Is there enough focus on characterization overall? Do the recurring characters still feel like themselves?)
Entertainment value (How enjoyable you personally found the story)
Legacy/Importance (e.g: Does the episode contribute to the lore? Do any milestones occur? Is the story referenced in future episodes?)
Fan popularity (In your experience, how do you think the fandom at large rates this story?)
(If you don't want to give me a rating for every category, you don't have to. And if you want to go back and rank other episodes, please do.)
Boy oh boy. It's now time for:
The Thirteenth Doctor!
I'm gonna start by answering 3 questions:
1. Was Jodie let down by the writing? Yes of course she was
2. Was Jodie the right choice for the Doctor? Ehh
3. Can people like this era? Yes of course they can.
What I will say is that Jodie is a fantastic actress. I am aware of that. This is just a bit of a disclaimer cos boy I have a lot to unpack
This doctor is simply OK. The only thing that makes her worse is her personality. She's arrogant, she never listens to her companions with them going "yes doctor we will listen to you even tho your wrong". And that's not counting all the awful things she's done
1. Let a spider die of a humane and natural death
2. Disabled The Masters perception filter so that the naughty Germans can see that he's black. That may not seem like much but that was the 40s. He was about to endure the most brutal suffering that millions of Jews endured during WW2.
I appreciate there's some Chibnall lovers here and I just like to remind them that this is my personal opinion. You are more than welcome to give me yours
A Futuristic Planet that is a secluded society
A Planet with a deadly storm
A Planet just like 21st Century Earth
A Planet that controls people's mind
A Planet full of animals
A Planet that is night all the time
17 Votes in Poll
For each of the following categories, what score out of 10 would you give The Sun Makers?
Plot (e.g: Is the story idea good? Does the episode do it justice? Does the plot run smoothly or drag on? etc)
Characters (e.g: Are the characters believable? Is there enough focus on characterization overall? Do the recurring characters still feel like themselves?)
Entertainment value (How enjoyable you personally found the story)
Legacy/Importance (e.g: Does the episode contribute to the lore? Do any milestones occur? Is the story referenced in future episodes?)
Fan popularity (In your experience, how do you think the fandom at large rates this story?)
(If you don't want to give me a rating for every category, you don't have to. And if you want to go back and rank other episodes, please do.)
Now it's time for
The Twelfth Doctor
The point where the mid life crisis ended and the doctor decided to go back to his roots
With Smith I don't get why people hate him. The only thing that I can really give him is "he's not Smith" Oh just get a life!
Anyway, I think Peter was phenomenal as this incarnation. By s8 he wasn't sure if he was a good man or not and while that was short lived I think it was handled perfectly
S9 was my least favourite season (up until Chobs but we'll get to him). But Peter what he did with those scripts was amazing. That Zygon speech? Um yes!
And s10. The season I have grown to love. I strongly believe that while Bill should've got a 2nd season, this is Peters strongest relationship with a companion. And while the Vault was kinda pointless I can look past that and focus on Capaldo
Also have you noticed that both Capaldi and Colin have similarities?
1. Both replaced younger incarnations
2. Both were led by controversial showrunners
3. Both saw a steady decline in their views
4. Both learned to lighten up
He's going in Perfect. Is there really any other place?
Now it's time for the mad man with a box himself
The Eleventh Doctor!
That one time the Doctor got a mid life crisis and made himself into a young cute boi that Tumblr would love
First of all let's get something straight. The amount of weight that he carried and imo he delivered was massive. Taking over from Tennant mustn't have been easy. But BBC likes to prove me wrong.
Smiths acting right here is so damn good that I swear that at some points I can see the Doctors real age. This is a man remember who has fought and lost so much that as a viewer it's easy for me to see and believe that what I said is true
The only real gripe I have with him is the amount of time where he stayed on. He should've regenerated at round about s6. S7 with Clara got a bit outta hand
Also good time to mention that i have a very shall we say unique opinion on this. Its sorta like Capaldi when he first became the Doctor. Almost everyone hates him except for me whereas with Smith I'm seeing a lot of hate here. I'm gonna stop that rant and save it for another day cos I'm tired
So aside from s7s...interesting portrayal of Smith, everything about him I adore. Not as good as 9 but he's still going above Troughton in Perfect
And now for possibly the most popular doctor out there
Ok first of all I ADORE Tennant I think he's astounding as the doctor hut the doctor himself at this point...not so much
I think he's a tad bit overrated. I'm not a fan of the love stories that he had. Only one I supported actually was Madame De Pompadour. And I HATED him for his treatment to Martha. This is why I'm not sure about him cos he's had companions before and it only changes cos of Rose leaving?
He only shines in the specials and the ones with Donna in them. And the rare times in 2 and 3 when he does shine is over shadowed by the overarching plot of the whole story.
Look he's great. I love him. If I was having a bad day I would put him in OK but he's going I great. Mainly cos of the impact that he left on others and the fact that he was many people's first doctor
For each of the following categories, what score out of 10 would you give Image of the Fendahl?
Plot (e.g: Is the story idea good? Does the episode do it justice? Does the plot run smoothly or drag on? etc)
Characters (e.g: Are the characters believable? Is there enough focus on characterization overall? Do the recurring characters still feel like themselves?)
Entertainment value (How enjoyable you personally found the story)
Legacy/Importance (e.g: Does the episode contribute to the lore? Do any milestones occur? Is the story referenced in future episodes?)
Fan popularity (In your experience, how do you think the fandom at large rates this story?)
(If you don't want to give me a rating for every category, you don't have to. And if you want to go back and rank other episodes, please do.)
the master brain
white robots
clockwork soldiers
16 Votes in Poll
22 Votes in Poll
I've been looking forward to this one cos it's time for...
The Ninth Doctor!
I'm not going to lie to you. Nine is my favourite Doctor of all time. Yes I did say that 11 was but I'll get to him.
I just love the serious tone that this Dictor brings and the concept of the Time War was a very good thing to come up with for Russell and the future of the show
People say that his time was short and while I do agree partly but as I said before it contributes to this character arc that I love and it's partly due to Roses influence
This combined with his serious tone and the humour that he brings puts this Doctor in Perfect above Troughton.
Wonderful, more Troughton
I would be a happy
Nothing special, I would prefer another recovered
I'm not bothered
26 Votes in Poll
It's usually Ten for me. But if it's not Ten, then it's probably Three or Five...
And here we are! The modern series has begun and kicking us of is...
The War Doctor played by John Hurt (rest in piece king)
One episode and with a cameo with a deeper meaning? Count me in!
I loved Hurts Doctor it kinda reminds me of Hartnell only with a sorta trauma added on to his character. And of course I'm gonna thank thr external media for giving him thr respect that he deserves.
So without question he's going in Good. Because he just is. Also I'm gonna put him BELOW McGann I just genuinely prefer McGann to Hurt