Now, I get why they did it, but come on! The episode isn't the best, but I hope the BBC can at least edit out that cameo and put it back on. They don't even bother changing the episode numbering!
@SonicTsils Pompadom?!? Surely you mean Pompadour?
I actually quite like Asylum.
@Icecreamdif Oh my goodness, I phrased that awfully
Can we all stop now?
This post has gotten a lot of attention, and I have come to the conclusion that is getting way too busy, and all the comments are quite similar. I do not want to start a war between the Doctor Who community, so can we all please end replying to this. As the creator of the original post, I will, however, let you guys know when it goes back up on the iPlayer.
Thank you for your (hopefully) understanding.
Now, I get why they did it, but come on! The episode isn't the best, but I hope the BBC can at least edit out that cameo and put it back on. They don't even bother changing the episode numbering!
I just wanted to share a little piece of artwork based around an idea I had. It isn't the best, but I hope you find it funny.
COMING NEXT: The popular adult drama featuring a mysterious organisation from the 2006 series...
Yes, it can only be LINDA!
Here's something to think about.
Let's say some missing episodes from the 60s have been found. But, the only way to gain access to them, is to delete a surviving story. But not just any old story, oh no! To make it even harder, the story you must sacrifice must be featured in the DWM 60th Anniversary Poll!
(In case you do not know the results of the poll, here are the stories you can choose to remove.
Heaven Sent
World Enough and Time / The Doctor Falls
Genesis of the Daleks
The Caves of Androzani
The Day of the Doctor
Human Nature / The Family of Blood
City of Death
Remembrance of the Daleks
Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead
Which story would you want to delete, and which missing one would you like in return?
(Remember, this is just for fun, and no stories will be deleted, or recovered (sadly). And I am coming up with more games, quizzes and other morsels of Who-related fun and challenges)
Sadly, I can't vote in this. I would love to read the EDAs, but I can't find them anywhere.
@WaltK Sorry, but I can't find which ones you uploaded?
@WaltK I don't have any of those, so I will take a look, thanks.
@WaltK What ones? Just curious because I have gaps needing filled in my collection.
This is a hard one as there are so many good ones.
So here are my favourites, in no particular order.
The Time of Angels ("One thing you never, ever put in a trap..."
The Pandorica Opens (TARDIS explosion)
Basically every Series Six episode
Spyfall Part One ("Everything you think you know...")
These are just the ones I can think of right now.
@FH2104 That's the reason I get the regular covers. In terms of eBay, I have tried, but the users charge loads for a single issue on there.
In the very first Doctor Who story, Susan states that she came up with the name TARDIS herself.
That aged well...
But it is canon in every single way. So how come all the other Time Lords refer to their ships as TARDISes as well? There is no way the show would just rewrite or ignore that line from the very beginning, is there?
I would love to know your theories on this, and if you have any other pieces of canon that have been ignored or erased?
For me, there is nothing like going and picking up a copy from the shops. I have thought about subscribing, but for some reason, I prefer the regular covers.
(Also, what's the best way to pick up back issues? The website only goes up to issue 500)
@Talon1105 The reason I didn't include Ruby Road is because I am going to make a 2023 Specials one as well.
@Shadowpouncer I found a Doctor Who specific site?
@Shadowpouncer I'll check