You know what? I forgot he did 42. Yes fair, maybe not his “only” good episode.
I honestly have no notes. Yes the companions are pointless but the adventure was in no way important to the overall plot in the Matt Smith years. The only good episode chinbal did.
I was so grateful that John Hurt got an Audio series, his war doctor was under rated and his stories are some of the most compelling of anything big finish did :)
I don’t think they are the strongest ever but they are decent and you aren’t supposed to lead with the most impactful episodes that’s just not how seasons work so I am not worried
Barbara was a saint and I won’t even hear another opinion lol
I don’t know if I am “reasonable”. But I will say that I think inclusivity is always positive. The only cost that comes from these changes is at worse being seen as “pandering”. But I will say I don’t see these changes that way. Doctor who is always highly subversive and if one looks at the plots of even classic who episodes it is often ahead of its time in whom it casts and what characters are included. Whether it is change or pandering pretty much comes down to if they make good stories or just stories with unprecedented identities. So far it’s basically the former.
Play the game. It’s a novelty
Hartnell goes up like to the middle of the list. Everyone else moves down one. Otherwise your list is absolutely perfect. Hartnell made the doctor a thing at all and his era introduced everything that classic who would roll out season over season. Other than that. You list is exactly correct. I would not be uncomfortable with most people using your list unaltered.
How long till there is a Meep based fetish? Lol what does one call that?
Liked it. If it’s like a format they follow now I’d change my mind. But it’s a good episode. Xmas specials are rarely the most compelling. It did the assignment. And now the doctor speaks rope. That’s gotta come in handy.
All valid. I wasn’t really saying that the first doctor always changed history. I am saying the show has always adjusted what was “allowed” this way depending on the story and the goal being achieved. It’s ok not to like mavity I’ve said that a lot. It’s just to say that to argue this change to history is not at all within the who MO is not strictly true.
Exactly. History being messed with is like the whole premise of time travel story telling lol
Cute isn’t the word I’d use for “mad paddington” lol
The first doctor changes history at times too. It’s possible to interpret this fact 2 ways. 1. The doctor lies and maybe always has and 2. He changed his mind. I think this has also been talked about in terms of “fixed points” and “variable points” in time. But if you want to know the nuts and bolts of why this actually happens, consider the show is old, long and complicated. Sometimes it helps the story to make it “against the rules” to change history. Other times it’s going to have to happen to solve the problem. And still other times changing history results in mavity because the Tardis is friggin broken and the doctor and Donna need some levity. I am having a hard time believing there are people here who watch this show who don’t realize history is changed by the doctor like every episode. And when he’s not doing that he’s trying to stop it from changing which also means he’s interfering. It’s the premise. I think what you are finding is you don’t approve of this one because it’s not necessary. That’s fair and it’s silly. It has continued however so maybe there is a point? Who knows.
I think it can work fine if they don’t bring 14 back a whole bunch. If he retires then it’s fine. If he works for UNIT why does 15 ever go back to earth again other than for tea? At some point if the new UNIT series has 14 every episode then you are right, why have a 15 at all.
That becomes a very complex question for me. I mean all of them everyday all at once I guess.
Me too :( it’s a sad thing to have to worry about and I hope we don’t have too. The classic series is so so important. The legacy who to me is not an add on. It’s a feature.
I don’t share the anxiety that they won’t I think there is plenty of economic reasons to do it. But I will say I would share your complete dismay if that happened! I’d be heartbroken. I took the time to listen to them but to see would be magical and to share them with my daughter is something I really want. Here’s hoping this promise is kept
Also the cancellation in 89 lead to a terrible movie that gave us Paul as the 8th. We got big finish in 1999 and books/comics. It’s really difficult to say that this show ever really gets “cancelled”. Also if it begins to suck, why do we care if it’s cancelled again?
Streaming figures will go down, BBC will lose some funding when you guys vote Tory for the bazillionth time anything can happen. It’s fair to be concerned but nobody who makes that sort of call has in any way suggested this is happening. The BBC is certainly doing some weird things for a show they are seconds from cancelling. Guest stars, big flashy specials, signing distribution deals around the world. Pushing ever more expanded media. It looks healthy from where I am sitting. If you don’t like the direction that’s fair but it isn’t “failing”.