If you were on the prison ship from the episode, The God Complex, what would your room be? Mine would have sharks in it.
98 Votes in Poll
10 and 11’s just seem so genuine and childish. Hard to pick.
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@Grandpa Lo70 I am surprised I didn’t put them in the poll because of how many episodes they appear in. I am also surprised I didn’t add the Zygons either, but like you said, they would have been killed by any one of the other things in the poll.
98 Votes in Poll
If you were on the prison ship from the episode, The God Complex, what would your room be? Mine would have sharks in it.
I remember watching The Beast Below and remember it being an episode with the Ninth Doctor and Rose, but I rewatched it and it was actually the Eleventh Doctor and Amy.
Wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.
11, Clara, Graham, and Rusty the Dalek
The song “I am the Doctor”