@Wozza123 Yh he is gonna write the third episode, if I am not mistaken.
@FH2104 Yh my bad, English is not my mother language and I often confuse director with writter. I meant writter.
Well, I liked better Space Babies than The Devils Chord. I absolutely love The Beatles (although lately I've been listening to more metal and hard rock than rock n roll), but idk, I found the episode quite boring tbf. I gotta say that the Maestro is too much Alice in the wonderland -ky (if you get what I mean).
I do understand the need to set up stuff for a bigger plotline but idk, I didn't like the character overall, it seems too much like the toymaker, which was good for an episode but nothing more imo.
Aside from that, the Assimilation² reference in Space Babies was delightful and the chat in 1963 London about the Doctor and Susan was great as well. I loved the soundtrack with the little chromaticism leitmotif, and the way they break the fourth wall playing the Dr. Who theme on the piano several times (which kinda reminds me to the ending of S.9 when the Doctor played Clara's theme on the guitar).
I have high hopes for Steven Moffat returning as director for the third episode, he has some great stuff in R.T.Davies era, and I'm sure he can make great stuff again.
Agreeing with the comment above me, Imma add that not only time lord's society shouldn't have the same social clothing style as we do here on Earth, but we should also accept everyone even if their clothes don't follow what has been stablished by society. Social rules change all the time and judging others by the way they dress should not be a thing anymore :)
^^ He would be able for sure, but what would be the point?
^ I'm not sure if I like that idea tbf. It can be either amazing or horrible, but I'm looking a lot forward to 15's clothing, it seems more sofiaticated and somewhat more modern than it usually is, but it's still as eccentric as always.
I'm a man and I used heels once, for a drama play, and my god they were horrible, I had to walk super slowly and carefully. Ain't no way the Doctor is wearing those.
Well May the 4th is already taken by the Star Wars fandom, other franchises please refrain from publishing stuff there.
25th of May is also the Star Wars anniversary but it is also the Geek Pride day and Towel day so it would be fitting a little bit more fitting.
^^^^ I think there's an extra scene in the DVD where the Doctor paints the walls of the house. I'm not sure tho, I don't own any DVDs, I just read it online.
It's the answer to live, the universe and everything
I want a TV crossover lmao
^ Oh I'd love that she'd be river. If it was Steven Moffat the showrunner I'd even consider it, but with RTD I doubt it.
The UNIT tower does resemble the Avengers tower lmao
^^ Foreman? That would have made sense for the 60th anniversary, not for the new season imo
Ohhhh Abbey road studios! I'm not a Beatles fan specifically, but I do like 60s rock n roll. I can't wait!
Okey imma head and watch it. I can't belive I missed it, thanks!
It was just the date, wasn't it?
I liked the episode better than the previous 3 specials.
Pretty christmasy. Cool soundtrack and ambient overall.
I absolutely love the Doctor dancing with his skirt. Feels like the kind of thing he would do. His clothing is gorgeous, I wish I had jumpers like the ones he uses.
Both Ncuti's Doctor and Ruby feel like really good and solid characters to begin the series with. They do have a chemestry that reminds me of Matt's Doctor and Amy.
The plot was alright. Nothing too good, but it works as an introduction to the new Doctor, companion, series, showrunner, etc. Nevertheless, it does not beat The Eleventh Hour, which also was a brand new start with new everything.
The musical number was quite good. Both Ncuti Gatwa and Mlillie Gibson are pretty good singers (better than the SNW episode Subspacial Raphsody, where we can obviously hear Spock singing with heavy use of autotune). I would have hoped for something more jazz-swing-cabaret or hard rock rather than the pop song we got.
I think Ruby's biological mother will be important in the rest of the series.
The plot was alright. It works as a introduction, as I said before, but everything feels like it has already been seen in other companion introduction episodes.
No "It's bigger on the inside!"
We got Rasputin, spice up your live and now this! I'm not against making a DW musical, but just a song every now and then seems out of place.
I was specting a teaser of the season at the end
The dialogue was sooo weird. How is the mother and the grandma (don't remember their names) not worried about an stranger entering their house? Wtf? At the very least some line of dialogue between them.
Tons of things were just out of place. Why Davina's bad luck? And the gloves? The Doctor mentioned they had a 3% of battery left, but then he used them again in a pretty powerful way to take down the boat.
The Gobling King is Jabba
There was something from the lion king I think somewhere on S3 probably (not sure about the season)
@FH2104 I mean it's alright. Looks a lot like the classic ones, and the coffe machine reminds me of the og food machine:
However, this classic look does not fit the vastness of this control room. For instance, 11th, 12th and 13th tardises were pretty big, but they were filled with interesting stuff. This is just ramps (which were already there since 11th). So my mark is take the og 8/10 - 1 point for lack of imagination and too much space.
11th second and 12th is a 10/10 for me. I agree with the rest. Maybe I would lower 9th and 10th one to an 8/10.
To the new 14th and 15th TARDIS I'd give it a 7/10. They've redecorated. But this time I don't like it.