The Eleventh Hour
The God Complex
The Day of the Doctor
The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
Tbh, my favourite one was Space/Time
Tbh while I adore the character, I think he wouldn't work as well on TV
Has to be Tennant. Whittaker is no way overrated, Baker deserves the love he gets and Smith is my absolute favourite. But Tennant... I still love his Doctor, at the start of my journey into Who he was my favourite (This was before I started 11's stories) but the over reliance on him in the past year and a half has taken its toll and I've started to feel less love for the RTD era recently (Not by much, but a tiny bit) and so many people adore his Doctor and don't take into account true criticisms... Overall he's still a good Doctor but because of how many people loved him, starting with the revival, a lot of his praise is rose-tinted glasses
Dalek Universe... Hehe
Yea I certainly think Androzani is also overrated but still good
Androzani I feel.
War Games is very overrated (bar part 10, that's brilliant), sorry not sorry
11 most certainly, although while he's my favourite I do think 12 is the best Doctor (Also my second favourite)
The Art of Death. Just so GOOD
TV wise, the God-tier episode that is Heaven Sent
You saying you only JOKINGLY eat them? I find new arrivals to be delightful to munch on with a deep fried Ergon
I agree with Layton.
Also probably Sydney or maybe Verity due to the backlash of the female Doctor
Honestly? It's my favourite TV story for 6. Fight me.
People saying 11 pains me. I'm not gonna attack anyone, because we all have opinions don't we? I just don't rlly see HOW people could dislike him but I'm well aware I look at him with Rose-Tinted glasses because of discovering him so long a huge part of my personality moulded around him as an influence
You misspelled Yay :)
For 4 years I've given 13's run as many chances as I can but I've run out now. While she's now my least favourite I by no means hate her or even dislike her very much
It's confirmed false. It's just people thinking Who's been in a popular show recently and then clickbaiting people with articles
That's very sad. Such a shame she never got to Big Finish (I know she declined but I don't know why), and the sad irony that today they released the trailer for the first story with the recast Dodo