@Lil' Golden Rat I mean, what more could you want
I'll reserve judgement until I've seen/heard it again, because I've seen plenty say this is one of the worst ever, even though I don't remember it being that bad. The Rills look absolutely amazing for the time imo
Episode 1 is up there with my favourite Hartnells but there's no escaping the fact that it does little to warrant 4 parts. Seeing an episode title like "the search" tells you that. It's somewhat lame but I still enjoy it and weirdly think the humour is the best part
I'm a fan
I'm always surprised by how modern this one feels, like those webisodes they used to do for series 6 (2011) as a little prequel. Pretty good story too
I want to give it 5 just for "small Prophet, quick return" which has to be the greatest episode title ever devised
Deep breath gets better every time I see it, has to be that for me although TNOTD is also excellent
I would be interested to know, has anyone listened to an audio version of this? And if so, is it better? I often find old Who better to listen to than watch, but the story in this case is so dull I'm not certain it would make that much of a difference
Of the recent ones, Davies-Chibnall-Moffat for me, worst to best. The Moffat-Capaldi-Gomez triangle of Scottishness was not only the greatest thing I've ever seen on doctor who, but one of my favourite eras of any TV series I've ever seen. Davies made it a bit soapy, and oversaw some dreadful additions, and I can't say I'm stoked to have him back, but if it gets fans onside then I guess that has to go down as a win.
Of the non-recent ones, I have no special place in my heart for JN-T. I see people say his era is underappreciated/misunderstood. I say no
Very surprised. I think resolution is one of Jodie's strongest episodes
Sure I remember this being boring in places, but the final scene alone is worth watching the whole thing
This is a great one, one of the better "pure historicals" (I hate that phrase)
The day of the doctor is easily the best, although twice upon a time I think is really great as well. The others I could happily never see again
I think it was fine but it certainly benefited from being only 2 parts. In other years this would have been stretched to 4
An all time great surely. Although as with all of the classics, I favour the telesnaps to the animations
This is a classic example of less than the sum of its parts, although the menoptra are pretty embarrassing in their own right. I found it to be exhilaratingly bad, but constantly under the impression that there was a good story in there somewhere. It didn't make it to the screen though
Been a while but I remember enjoying it quite a bit
This is an easy one, DOTP is definitely one of, if not the best episode of series 11.
I barely understood a word, and not always in a good way. But I enjoyed it and found to be enormously better than the previous one.
When I submitted my vote (didn't think to check how many actual votes had been made which was stupid of me), The Time Monster was comfortably beating The Sea Devils, which I found very surprising