60 Votes in Poll
nice one phulk :)
all great but army of ghost is my childhood episode i watched over and over
Where is Lynda with a y?
@AlexanderOfNine why?
Pyramids of Mars had a Decent plot and the characters where great
@The Mechanical Menace. I dont think so. Maybe in the next 942 years maybe
@EllaVictoria99 yea ik that I said that a while ago but I heardskmehwhere Richard ayoade will do it which I highly doubt and really dknt want to happen
It's another one of those divisive episodes. Good concept but not executed well
@Kel Profitt well with our current writer doctor who could be anything bcs hes so shit
Oh yes I remember now ty
I remember lee mack being in dw but what episode was it?
@AlexanderOfNine why not? And no I did mean should of as in past tense not present tense
@JediTimeTraveler I do not remember that but if you say so ok
He left bcs there was talk about him going very fast
Well that's what I assumed since most news articles talked about replacing eccleston as quick as possible and he only lasted one series where as most doctors last around 3 series's
60 Votes in Poll
Yes Patrick was a good doctor but tom was more iconic in my opinion
No it is not bad everyone has their own opinions and plus I dont blame you. I dont Jodie doctor, it's just to...realistic. doctor who needs a sense of madness and chaos and personally I dont think jodie brings that to doctor who. It will never be the same as people like David Tennant or Matt Smith or even Christopher eccleston, even tho most ppl didnt like Christopher but I rlly did.
Basicly immortality and the power to apparate into thin air 😂
Ben whishaw is the most likely