I think that he likes to intrude and thinks that he's funny
Which Fellow Whovians, he's not.
That's why I won't see it!
Not yelling.
I agree.
Tennant is a great actor.
His Hamlet is praised.
Tom Baker in "Mummy On The Orient Express".
Or maybe David Tennant.
All of these actors bring their own unique take to The Doctor and make him/ her their own.
Either Sarah Jane Smith or Clara Oswald.
I have an idea for an orginal character.
This character would be a Companion to The Twelfth Doctor.
I like Rose with Nine.
With Ten it feels like to me that she's on a date.
I would have liked to seen what MacGann would have done.
I know that Eight has some Big Finish adventures and I would like them too.
1974 - 1981
They're all interesting villains.
I'm partial to the Daleks.
With Eleven, she's good but with Twelve they play off better from one another. She's his Clara like Sarah Jane is Four's.
Series 8.
Capaldi's and Coleman's first series together.
I like "Hell Bent" but "Heaven Sent" is so much better. It showcases Capaldi's acting.
Twelve reminds me of The Doctors of old.
When you think of chemistry between a Doctor and a Companion, some old school Whovians (and maybe Whovians in general) think of The Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith.
But unfortunately (or fortunately) he's better known for being Captain Jack.
I have The War Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver