62 Votes in Poll
I am agender and bi/pansexual, I like how the timelords are gender fluid.
All of them, they're all brilliant.
@Dr Theta Sigma agreed
The scene where he meets the Dalek in “Dalek”
I almost cried at Journey's End when they were towing the Earth home and everyone was celebrating, tears of joy, of course, and also at Vincent and the Doctor during the iconic scene where The Doctor shows Vincent the gallery.
When I was 11 or 12 I created my pfp and dubbed it “General Bacon” as that was the first name that came to mind for it. I then began using that name and pfp for all of my online accounts. However, when I was creating my fandom account, the username General Bacon was already taken, so entered a my username as the question “Why won’t it let me have general bacon?” but removed the spaces and punctuation. And thus, my extremely long username was born.
I've only listened to Energy of the Daleks and it was alright, not really my kind of thing.
I'm curious to know your thoughts on The Idiot's Lantern, Fear Her, Tooth and Claw and Partner's in Crime, since they are very different from my own.
Dalek Sec and the Red Supreme Dalek
How come Rose is so low?
Either The Next Doctor or The Eleventh Hour
62 Votes in Poll
The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways
Father’s Day
Boom Town
Tom Baker/Four
Isn't Studiocanal British?
One of the only benefits would be that I could watch Doctor Who on Disney+ but other than that I can't see how any good will come from it.
13, I don't want to seem like someone who blindly hates the Chibnall era, but her personality is inconsistent, and she often makes bad decisions that aren't questioned.
I hope Jodie agrees to work on Big Finish once she's left the main show, so she can get some actually good stories.
@Anastasia Cousins I agree, but I thought that happened in Logopolis
65 Votes in Poll