Who else thinks that Christina from the episode the planet of the dead should've travelled with the doctor
They would've been absolutely fucking amazing
She should at least come back or sumn like that
Also lmao if you don’t really like Peter if he is too old compared to Matt smith. Then you really missed the whole point of the very first episode of his.
Peter capaldis doctor starts out real fucking great IMO deep breath is probably the best opener but have to agree the first time I watched Peter capaldi as the doctor it was in a sort of yk biased mind ig cuz I really liked Matt smith too also I was a kid when I first saw him as a doctor. Later while rewatching I realised he was soo much better than the image I had of him he sure is a dick but lmao that’s one of his best parts. If all the doctors had the same personality then 56 years of the same person would definitely tire me out. Also as @Companionkatniss0814 said please watch all of his episodes cuz they are really really good. The only problem I had with him was that in season 8 he had like really short hair but I’m glad they heave him longer hair by the end of this era.
Night of the doctor
Fucking A+
Lmao rdj isn't British
I was just saying
Tom ellis was already in doctor who
He plays Thomas and is killed by the master
Well in a year that never happened
Unless you talking about the Clara in all other timelines. we never see her die completely
Even the ponds.
Well it is fun
The only time I felt sad-is was when 12 had to leave
Lmao who else read the title like a Dalek
Wow tysm for that
Wow it's crazy that she was only 22 when she was in the show that's like only 5 years older than me
Who else thinks that Christina from the episode the planet of the dead should've travelled with the doctor
They would've been absolutely fucking amazing
She should at least come back or sumn like that
Why aren't all the missing episodes animated the same way as the missing episodes of The Reign of Terror
It can be dark and comedic
Deep breath lmao
85 Votes in Poll
12 regeneration was really sad
Cuz it was first time watching a doctor regenerate live
I really liked twelve and his speech was absolutely beautiful
82 Votes in Poll