Aren't those gummy bears? They don't look like jelly babies to me.
I like it. It has a sort of computer game feel about it. Sounds like something that could be used in a Doctor Who mobile app.
The only real knit-picky thing I can think of is that historically the massacre happened on St Bartholomew's day and not eve. Other than that small thing, brilliant story - particularly for Steven.
"I am talking!"
I always used to just read it in the shop. Saves actually buying it. Unless you're collecting them.
@FH2104 What a splendid idea!
There's a reason why this is my profile pic.
I believe he also owned a pet cheetah at some point as well, which is just the most Jon Pertwee thing ever.
7 episodes is a bit too long for a pure historical, for me personally; but there are some great moments throughout. Having experienced this story through multiple mediums over the years (audio, Loose Canon reconstruction and Target novelisation), I have to say I surprisingly enjoyed this story more as a Target book (which is really weird for me, because I typically don't enjoy reading at all).
@FH2104 I think you might have missed one? The Green Death?
Especially when it's not even the right month...?
Merry Christmas everyone!
It's the City of Death music suite, but it sounds like it's played live with orchestra and not the original Dudley Simpson recording.
@AdamPennington17 no Pertwee?
Hasn't this already kind of happened in 'The Doctor Falls' though?
The Doomwood Curse is so underrated. Very 'Mind Robber'-esque but without actually being connected to the land of fiction.
The score for me reminded me more of 80's who music, which considering it's the sixties felt very bizarre. I understand the appeal for condensing the story, but I agree it did feel a bit too rushed like they'd edited out more scenes than they'd actually left in.
Was definitely an 'interesting' viewing experience to say the least. However, it could just be that I'm so used to the original version, that anything else just seems strange.
Also, I like the idea behind doing something like this, but part of me wishes that they'd selected a different story, because if I want to watch a feature-length version of The Daleks in colour with different music, I already can in the form of the Peter Cushing film 'Dr. Who and the Daleks'.
"The Phantom Piper!!"
Have you tried ebay? I've managed to get many out of print CD's and books from there. You have to keep regularly checking for new listings though. Sometimes you won't see anything for a while and then suddenly a copy will show up.
"Dog"-tor Who
I'll see myself out...
Not sure if there's a specific page for it, but if you go to the page for the individual TV stories, there's often a section titled something like 'Differences in the Animated Version' which will list any changes that were made.