Good, could use less racism.
Better? Caves. But I'd rather watch TTD right now.
I mean Russia is known for being an extremely homophobic country.
The 8th Doctor
Not counting audios
Eccleston because northerners stick together.
Well I mean it's Heaven Sent. This isn't a question.
Listen is fantastic. Caretaker I can take or leave. Time Heist I don't like much at all.
Muslims can be lesbians, what the bloody hell are you on about.
Nope, it's because of the poor writing generally all around. Matt Smith had the capacity to be great - Day Of The Doctor being the episode I'd point to where he's amazing - but the writing of his email was often extremely lacking. I actually believe he could have been a great doctor if the writing had been up to it.
One of these is good. The others range from eh to worse than syphilis.
Both terrible but yellow reminds me of the simpsons so yeah.
Moffat flavoured wank.
James Corden = bad score
Ryan leaving time traveller to die violently because apparently he's a psychopath now
The entire time travel plotline
The message, while being important and very relevant, was not played as anything other than a message, and came off as preachy as a result.
Very poor episode. The moral conflict is fine but the rest is cheap action horror instead of substance. No idea why anyone likes this one.
Honesty not great. Yes it's got a message, but it's very unsubtle and extremely preachy. And there was no need to have another time travel plotline.
As someone from England, the stuff near the end hits a little close to home right now. We're a really racist country and I hate it.
Everything up to the giant robot cyber man works well.
To show how different people react when they're scared of something they can't rationalise, and how they often turn to violence and witch hunts instead of listening to reason.
It's a social commentary. To show the creature at all or explain it would be undermining the key themes of the episode.
It doesn't matter. That isn't the point of the episode at all.