I was given a bundle of Doctor who things for my birthday. The recipe jokes are my favourite!
I was given a bundle of Doctor who things for my birthday. The recipe jokes are my favourite!
Comment down below your problems with the twelfth episode of the fifth series of Doctor Who.
59 Votes in Poll
Both of these episodes are packed full of great moments, but I will bring special attention to the "rebooting" the universe resolution. It gets a lot of flak for being lazy, but I actually totally disagree. It's a remarkable achievement to make something quite as manic as The Big Bang feel like a natural and obvious conclusion to The Pandorica Opens, and I think in terms of satisfaction it's much more successful than The Wedding of River Song. Also, the brilliant final scenes are the best use of "I Am the Doctor".
73 Votes in Poll
80 Votes in Poll
100 Votes in Poll