Comment down below your problems with first episode of the fifth series of Doctor Who.
We’re officially beginning the Matt Smith Era!
Comment down below your problems with first episode of the fifth series of Doctor Who.
We’re officially beginning the Matt Smith Era!
51 Votes in Poll
A solid start to a new era and a new Doctor. Matt Smith shined from the start, showing the differences between him and his predecessor while still unmistakably being the Doctor. But my absolute favourite part of this episode is the end of the stand off with the Atraxi.
"Hello. I'm the Doctor. Basically... run."
Not only does it pay homage to the "run" gag of the previous era, but it simultaneously turns it on its head. Before, it was a fun little moment for the Doctor and their companion. Now it's a threat to the enemy. It's a clever way of turning a familiar line into something completely different, and it brilliantly sets up a major part of the Eleventh Doctor's character: the man who can turn an army around at the mention of his name.
111 Votes in Poll
73 Votes in Poll
87 Votes in Poll
121 Votes in Poll
Matt Smith had his first 'Doctor Who' adventure in 'The Eleventh Hour' 10 years ago today!